poohbare_82: How long do you need to boil medium eggs for the best easter eggs?
I am going to color some easter eggs today for an easter hunt. I just don’t want my eggs to have green yolks or crack from overcooking.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Eve duh
20 minutes? That’s how long I boil mine!
Answer by MojoMan
Place eggs in a pot.
Cover completely with water.
Bring water to a boil.
Remove from heat and cover with a lid.
Let stand for 15 minutes.
Answer by =^.^=
The best way is to bring them to a boil then turn off the stove and let them set for 20 minutes then immediately submerge in ice cold water. This all prevents the greenish tint and also it centers the yolk.
Answer by **michelle**
I heard 7 minutes but I sucks to open an egg and it not be done so I go for 15 min.
Answer by Sierra
I put eggs in pot, add cold water, boil, and remove for 17 minutes.
Answer by rumpelstiltskin
Q: Why is the yolk of a hard-boiled egg sometimes green? Is it safe to eat?
A: The green ring around the yolk of a hard cooked egg happens because hydrogen in the egg white combines with sulfur in the yolk. The cause is most often related to boiling the eggs too hard for too long. The green ring can also be caused by a high amount of iron in the cooking water. The green ring is harmless and safe to eat. To avoid green eggs, hard-cook instead of hard-boiling eggs: 1) Place eggs in a single layer in saucepan. Cover with cold tap water by at least 1 inch over the eggs. Bring to boil. Then turn off burner. 2) Cover pan and let sit for 20 minutes. Drain. 3) Cover with cold water as soon as they finish cooking. This helps the green from forming around the yolks. 5) Color the eggs according to the directions on the box of color tablets. Store hard cooked eggs in the refrigerator and use within 1 week.
Answer by lipstick7000
I think it’s 12 minutes
Answer by fogjazz49
I only let them go 5 minutes from the time the water reaches a full boil, but I really like mine soft. Maybe 7 to be safe?
Answer by The Squirrel
You never boil eggs.
You bring them to a boil and simmer them for 15 -20 minutes
Answer by norm
To avoid the green yolks don’t overcook your eggs.
Cover them with cold water, put them on the stove and just bring to a full boil. Immediately remove them and cover the pot. Let them stand 20 minutes and then run cool water into the pot. Allow them to cool and they will be perfect.
Answer by suga_belluska
9 minutes
Answer by Boba Phatt
I followed rumpelstiltskin’s advice above and they turned out perfectly.
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