Kara G: At a university, are you allowed to get your major and minor from two different colleges? I was looking at Boston University and I was interested in majoring in music theory and minoring in screenwriting. One is accomplished at the College of Fine Arts, and the other is at Boston University's College of Communication. I was just wondering … [Read more...] about At a university, are you allowed to get your major and minor from two different colleges?
Exam is not a good way to test our knowledge?
fn_testt: Exam is not a good way to test our knowledge? I am going to have a debate. The topic is "exam is not a good way to test our knowledge" (the exam here refers to paper test). And my thesis is focus on " Students only study the topics that are tested in the exams, and not those that are not tested, which defeats the purpose of the exam". I … [Read more...] about Exam is not a good way to test our knowledge?
Sassy: Geometry????? I am starting to take geometry? a quick summary of what it is about would be nice... thx Answers and Views: Answer by Rex RGeometry is the study of lines and angles and their relationshiops. You can see some cool geometry questions as https://www.mindchallenger.com Just go through the list and you'll find … [Read more...] about Geometry?????
Does kissing up to your professor really help you get good grades?
JohnnyBoy:): Does kissing up to your professor really help you get good grades? I think this is true to an extent. If a student skips class, gets Ds on exams, while kissing a professor's ass, I doubt they'll get an A, but if an average student who kisses up to the professors without skipping class, compliment their teacher's clothes, and try to … [Read more...] about Does kissing up to your professor really help you get good grades?
Treehugger: Physics........................................? I really want to do physics but when I look at all the formulas and search for stuff and how to work out lets say the mass of the star or something a little bit harder I try to work it out but I cant is it simple when someone explains it in a class or does it mean if It doesn't go it … [Read more...] about Physics………………………………….?
What branch of mathematics has no relation with geometry?
samiralu: What branch of mathematics has no relation with geometry? Hey guys. I am choosing my thesis subject, and i'm looking for something with no relation with geometry. I don't like geometry. Answers and Views: Answer by phoenixTry modern algebra...there is not much in it...like Lie Groups or Group Theory.....my question is How can you … [Read more...] about What branch of mathematics has no relation with geometry?
What is a good college or university for theater and singing?
Question: What is a good college or university for theater and singing? Your Question What is a good college or university for theater and singing? I'm not well informed on colleges or universities but I know I want to pursue theater and be trained in singing. What colleges are there that thoroughly train in both? Or would it be easier to go to … [Read more...] about What is a good college or university for theater and singing?