La Bella Senorita: How can I pass my music Exam ? How can I pass my music Exam ? I need Help here, I am taking grade 8 Abrsm practical exam next year and need tips on practising...and tips on how to answer questions like chords and cadence and modulation for aural, and scales and arp. anyone has takin this exam and passed with disctinction ? … [Read more...] about How can I pass my music Exam ?
How would one go about organizing a fashion show at their school for a senior project?
maui wowie.: How would one go about organizing a fashion show at their school for a senior project? A friend of mine and I are planning on working with the fashion club and art classes at our school to arrange a fashion runway type show for our senior project. We have a lot of ideas but we aren't sure how to begin. Any ideas? and of course, best … [Read more...] about How would one go about organizing a fashion show at their school for a senior project?
Do you recommend taking AP exams without a corresponding high school class?
buttercup: Do you recommend taking AP exams without a corresponding high school class? My school offers no senior-level AP classes, but I'd like to take the Spanish and/or Calculus exams. Is it possible to prepare for these tests on my own? I've taken regular classes in the subject areas. Answers and Views: Answer by smile4theaznWell, to the … [Read more...] about Do you recommend taking AP exams without a corresponding high school class?
What college has a good sports management program that i can take?
Bubblegumer: What college has a good sports management program that i can take? i'm in high school and im eager to be a sports agent, but i dont know any college that has a sports management, or sports marketing program of any kind. Answers and Views: Answer by JLMelvinLink below can start your search... Answer by erinanne73Ohio State or … [Read more...] about What college has a good sports management program that i can take?
What is the physics concept of multiple images in a mirror or computer screen?
rbellybo: What is the physics concept of multiple images in a mirror or computer screen? For example, if you have a webcam that is separate from your computer and you turned it so that it faced the computer, you will see on your computer screen, multiple images of the computer and cascading back. I unfortunately cannot find a photo to demonstrate … [Read more...] about What is the physics concept of multiple images in a mirror or computer screen?
What is the different between University Grant and Cal Grant?
Steven L: What is the different between University Grant and Cal Grant? I'm a transfer student. On the financial aid website of the University, I see that I'm eligible for University Grant, which will pay all of my tuition fee. However, I want to know that is University Grant considered as Cal Grant A, or it's a different type of financial aid? … [Read more...] about What is the different between University Grant and Cal Grant?
How to provide the IBM 730 certificate before writing exam 732?
Dheeraj: How to provide the IBM 730 certificate before writing exam 732? I have completed exam 000-730 but I have only the soft copy of the certificate. This exam is mandatory if you want to write 000-732. Now I am planning to write exam 732. How do I let them know that I have completed my exam 000-730? Answers and Views: Answer by Eva000-732 … [Read more...] about How to provide the IBM 730 certificate before writing exam 732?