BWBR :D: How do I figure out what my mark is in the class after my exam? I got 49% on my exam, our term work is worth 60% of our mark, our exam is worth 40%. Going into the exam I was getting 58%. Can someone please do this for me? Answers and Views: Answer by YO MAN!yea 49% X 0.4 = 19.6 that is 19.6/40 , 19.6 over 40 58% X .6 … [Read more...] about How do I figure out what my mark is in the class after my exam?
How many actuarial exams on average do you have to take to become an actuary in CANADA?
Lolzer: How many actuarial exams on average do you have to take to become an actuary in CANADA? i read from somewhere that it is quite different from the US. are there 2 kinds of actuaries in Canada as well? i know its the same for the 1st 2 exams.. Exam P and FM.. Is it any different after those 2? Answers and Views: Answer by Manoactuarial … [Read more...] about How many actuarial exams on average do you have to take to become an actuary in CANADA?
How do you get college credit for AP exams? Is there a form you have to fill out with the application?
inlovewithlife08: How do you get college credit for AP exams? Is there a form you have to fill out with the application? How do colleges know what you got on the AP exams? Answers and Views: Answer by BakemYou have to get at least a certain score on the exam to get credit. Different colleges require that you get different scores. Most require … [Read more...] about How do you get college credit for AP exams? Is there a form you have to fill out with the application?
What time of the day to have eye exam to get prescription eye glasses?
gud: What time of the day to have eye exam to get prescription eye glasses? I need a new pair of glasses (near sighted + other). I wonder it makes a little difference to go in the morning or afternoon or evening. I wonder if the eyesight is better in the morning after a night's sleep? Should I get eye exam when the eyesight is in best or worst … [Read more...] about What time of the day to have eye exam to get prescription eye glasses?
What happens during your first pelvic exam?
: What happens during your first pelvic exam? I have heard that they do a breast exam, bi manual exam, pap smear and others. Do they do this all on your first exam? I am just wondering because I heard a lot about different things like the bi manual and pap smear and I am wondering if they do this and more on your first exam? Do they do a rectal … [Read more...] about What happens during your first pelvic exam?
How can I obtain copies of previous New York State Chinese Regents exams?
Ron P: How can I obtain copies of previous New York State Chinese Regents exams? Note: I do not mean copies of Regents exams translated into Chinese; rather, I mean Regents exams whose subject is Chinese. I would like to have these in order to practise for my Regents next year. I want to know where I can download these exams. If this is not … [Read more...] about How can I obtain copies of previous New York State Chinese Regents exams?
How am I going to finish all my homework on time and still study for exams and quizzes?
SilentLeader: How am I going to finish all my homework on time and still study for exams and quizzes? I'm in 10th grade and i'm overloaded with homework every night. I sleep till 2 in the morning just to finish this endless crap. The teachers give me homework like i'm their only student and they assign tests nearly every week. How do i finish my … [Read more...] about How am I going to finish all my homework on time and still study for exams and quizzes?