maddi: How does religion and democracy play a role in the United States today? My question as stated above is how does religion and democracy play a role in the United States today. What I mean by this is how do they go "hand in hand" and make an effect on society today? One example I have is by the first ammendent. Freedom of religion, … [Read more...] about How does religion and democracy play a role in the United States today?
What religion is preaching the good news of the kingdom of God?
Boanerge: What religion is preaching the good news of the kingdom of God? What are the good news of the kingdom of God? What is the kingdom of God? What religion is preaching the good news of the kingdom of God? Matthew 24:14: And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and … [Read more...] about What religion is preaching the good news of the kingdom of God?
renee: buddhism?? i am young, and i have been seeing a lot about buddhism and the many many different sects of it. overall, the main points in buddhism make sense to me, so i have been thinking about becoming a buddhist, but there are son many sects to look at. could anyone give me an over view of some of the sects, perhaps if you are a buddhist, … [Read more...] about buddhism??
How to study the bible in exactly 11 years?
musicABC: How to study the bible in exactly 11 years? I will start in May 2007 and stop in May 2018. The bible is a wonderful book from a Christian's perspective. (I was a catholic). I cannot believe that I am studying it. It was very boring to me before. After teaching the bible for over 30 years, I am launching a new project. How to study the … [Read more...] about How to study the bible in exactly 11 years?
What has happened to the occult and religions stemming out of it?
The Doors of Perception: What has happened to the occult and religions stemming out of it? For example: Satanism has become as dogmatic, divided, and ridiculous as Christianity. Then you have these fluffy little hippie religions like Wicca that just make a joke out of occult beliefs, especially if a Wiccan adds magick into their beliefs. What has … [Read more...] about What has happened to the occult and religions stemming out of it?
What is your religion and what would you do if someone tried to convert you to Christianity?
Sally: What is your religion and what would you do if someone tried to convert you to Christianity? If you are Christian, what would you do if someone tried to convert you to Atheism? No offense to anyone, it just seems like a lot of people on here are Atheist. I am Christian and I have no idea what i would do if someone tried to convert me to … [Read more...] about What is your religion and what would you do if someone tried to convert you to Christianity?
What religions (and denominations within each) are completely exclusive when it comes to a happy afterlife?
noah: What religions (and denominations within each) are completely exclusive when it comes to a happy afterlife? What I'm saying is, what religions (such as Christianity) or sects within a religion (such as Baptists, Methodists, or Mahayana Buddhists), state that you MUST practice/believe THEIR specific sect/denomination in order to go to heaven … [Read more...] about What religions (and denominations within each) are completely exclusive when it comes to a happy afterlife?