noah: What religions (and denominations within each) are completely exclusive when it comes to a happy afterlife?
What I’m saying is, what religions (such as Christianity) or sects within a religion (such as Baptists, Methodists, or Mahayana Buddhists), state that you MUST practice/believe THEIR specific sect/denomination in order to go to heaven (or have a happy afterlife) after you die? I am curious to see exactly how many faith branches out there are exclusivists.
Thank you!
Answers and Views:
Answer by David
pagan beliefs are different ..
Hinduism says you have 84000 life cycles that a human being goes through.
and that for every 3-4 Billion years new universes are born
Answer by Messianic AtheismChristianity is unique this way.
Religions that don’t require membership include: Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Paganism, Wicca, Taoism, and Hinduism. None of these religions have exclusive sects. Any group which is exclusive and claims these religions as parent is so unorthodox that it is invalid and possibly a cult (ie, Hare Krishnas and Hinduism).
The only groups other than Christianity I can think of are cults (Scientology, etc).
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