Vegaluna☺: REligion ???? What is Wicca? What is Pagan? What is the difference? Answers and Views: Answer by :) Answer by Rance DWicca is an earth based religion typically associated with witchcraft. "Pagan" is a term created by the Catholic church to basically mean anything that is NOT Christian.Answer by John PI don't know … [Read more...] about REligion ????
What are religious people gambling on their specific beliefs without evidence being true?
Desiree: What are religious people gambling on their specific beliefs without evidence being true? Each religion is basically a set of unique beliefs in stuff that is without evidence. That’s the common thread amongst all religions; belief in stuff without evidence. People who believe something as absurd as “my beliefs without evidence are true … [Read more...] about What are religious people gambling on their specific beliefs without evidence being true?
jmdance88 j: islam......? i am a new convert and i need some supprot i feel that i have done a bad thing ...i have not told my family and i am stress with this change and school and quite franquliy i wanna give up. i wanna be a good muslim but i dont pray ..idk how i have been staving myself cause i dont eat anything that i think is agisnt islam … [Read more...] about islam……?
How should a Christian view other religions ?
Yours Truly: How should a Christian view other religions ? I have seen many books in Christian bookstores condemning other religions as cults/demonic. How should Christians view temples, mosques etc - as being inhabited by Satan and devils that draws people away from their only true god (Jesus) ? Or should Christians view other religions as … [Read more...] about How should a Christian view other religions ?
How did the Islam invasion into India change the country in intellectual, economic, and religious ways?
A S: How did the Islam invasion into India change the country in intellectual, economic, and religious ways? I.E: art changes, literature changes, music, math, astronomy anything that is classified under '"the arts". I.E: trade, currency I.E: hindu, buddhism, and Islam's affect on the people. Who converted? Why? Answers and Views: Answer by … [Read more...] about How did the Islam invasion into India change the country in intellectual, economic, and religious ways?
How come a christian blew up and shot up Norway yet the peoe still blame islam?
Insallah: How come a christian blew up and shot up Norway yet the peoe still blame islam? That's just insane. Some people even agree the guy that islam is taking over Europe or whatnot. Isn't that insane to blame Muslims on something Christians did? Belgium banned the islamir face veil over this and islam had nothing to do with it. I'm sorry Liz … [Read more...] about How come a christian blew up and shot up Norway yet the peoe still blame islam?
What makes anyone think that the Bible was meant to be interpreted “literally” as they are written?
: What makes anyone think that the Bible was meant to be interpreted "literally" as they are written? Please, no silly answers. I am at a point in life in which one may call a "cross-roads." --trying to truly understand things. I see points Atheists make being valid and I also see points Theists make being valid, so please, no stupid answers. If … [Read more...] about What makes anyone think that the Bible was meant to be interpreted “literally” as they are written?