: What ruined the friendship between Afghanistan and the United States? What ruined the friendship between Afghanistan and the United States? I know 911 caused the war between us & Afghanistan, but if we helped out Afghanistan, then what caused them to do 911? If we helped them out so much. Answers and Views: Answer by lestermountThe … [Read more...] about What ruined the friendship between Afghanistan and the United States?
What type of government creates a legal necessity to become dependent on government social programs?
towwwdothello: What type of government creates a legal necessity to become dependent on government social programs? for their means of survival as opposed to freedom in re to Life, Liberty & Pursuits of Happiness? Would deviants in opposition to this alteration in government policy be either ill or criminal? Answers and Views: Answer by … [Read more...] about What type of government creates a legal necessity to become dependent on government social programs?
Who is the last US president to have balanced the federal budget?
Andy F: Who is the last US president to have balanced the federal budget? Second question: After this President succeeded in balancing the budget, did the US economy prosper for many years afterwards? Or did it go through a stock-market "bubble," and then crash? Answers and Views: Answer by HighSpokenClinton, i think you know what … [Read more...] about Who is the last US president to have balanced the federal budget?
How do you feel about discussing politics to an unregistered voter?
Sharon F: How do you feel about discussing politics to an unregistered voter? During a discussion about the recent debates with an acquaintance, I learned that she was not a registered voter. This is someone in her mid 30's and also did a few years in the military. I was a bit turned off with continuing the conversation. Do you think a person … [Read more...] about How do you feel about discussing politics to an unregistered voter?
What is it like to take a politics class at a university in the deep south?
christina rose: What is it like to take a politics class at a university in the deep south? I go to school at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and I'd imagine that political discussions at my university are much different than those in the deep south? Do you know anything about politics classes/ university political discussions in the … [Read more...] about What is it like to take a politics class at a university in the deep south?
Why do users in the politics section use spin when answering questions?
The Invisible Hand/Illuminati: Why do users in the politics section use spin when answering questions? I know the media is full of spin and crap that favors one side or the other. But when I ask for a logical answer in the politics section I get alot of users who just use spin and crap in formulating an answer. I like to get answers with minimal … [Read more...] about Why do users in the politics section use spin when answering questions?
Barack Obama: Politics????????????????? what is politics? Answers and Views: Answer by Wise 1Organized Government and anyhing envolved with it Answer by asian jolly good fellowPolitics: poly - many sided. ticks - blood sucking little animals. Polyticks. Lol... I'm just kidding around. Politics is anything related to government. An … [Read more...] about Politics?????????????????