Lever: What is government supposed to do to help people that live beyond their means? I don't understand what the government is supposed to do for people who did take out huge loans, maxed out their credit cards, took on massive student loan debts they can't pay off, etc. If somebody keeps spending more than they make, the government can't do … [Read more...] about How should the government help people that live beyond their means?
How much money does Wisconsin make a year from speeding tickets, and where does that money go?
Charlie219: How much money does Wisconsin make a year from speeding tickets, and where does that money go? If anyone could tell me the average amount of money Wisconsin makes on speeding tickets and what they send that money on I would greatly appreciate it. I couldn't find anything on the internet, but maybe you'll have better luck. Answers … [Read more...] about How much money does Wisconsin make a year from speeding tickets, and where does that money go?
What is the relationship between art and politics?
mehuligan2001: What is the relationship between art and politics? How exactly are they intertwined? What is art? What is politics? Answers and Views: Answer by shepardj2005The relationship between art and politics is a subtle and complex one. The process of creation is an act of engagement, in some form or other, with the world around the … [Read more...] about What is the relationship between art and politics?
What’s difference in price between a president that takes vacations?
Me This Is You: What's difference in price between a president that takes vacations? to their home and a president that takes vacations at tourist attractions? Answers and Views: Answer by Forget War Buy MoreNot much, both pay out of pocket, but still require the security detail attached to it. However, when one President takes the most in … [Read more...] about What’s difference in price between a president that takes vacations?
What is the oldest government in existence?
JZ: What is the oldest government in existence? The U.S. is about 240 years old, and has had the same form of government throughout - what country has a government that has been unchanged (for ex. England used to be a Monarchy) for the longest time? to TJinjapan - excuse me for the math error you are correct, and as for the English's Consitutional … [Read more...] about What is the oldest government in existence?
How do state governments in the United States reflect the federal government?
*{Gi.Gi}*: How do state governments in the United States reflect the federal government? Also Examples of similarties in each of the three branches of government. Thank you! Answers and Views: Answer by FRAGINAL-NOYPIState governments must conform to the constitution and policies of the federal government. The three branches of government … [Read more...] about How do state governments in the United States reflect the federal government?
How do we get government to stop spending and make Capitalism fix its own problems?
Growth vs Oil: How do we get government to stop spending and make Capitalism fix its own problems? I am sick of government covering up the fading generations greed and mistakes in Capitalism. Government spending is like a draft, yes it will end the war sooner but drafts and spending is political suicide and highly unpopular. Answers and … [Read more...] about How do we get government to stop spending and make Capitalism fix its own problems?