lolita_bunny_girl: What religion has the worst or sickest punishments or rules? I am working on a speech and I was wondering if anyone knew some of the worst religious punishments and rules and what religions they are. Example: Man cuts off his wife's head because she cheated. / Woman lets her son starve because he won't say amen at dinner table. … [Read more...] about What religion has the worst or sickest punishments or rules?
What does a religious annulment do to a divorce decree?
goingcrazy: What does a religious annulment do to a divorce decree? My ex-wife called me last night and is planning to remarry. She needs an annulment paper signed in order for her to join the Catholic church and remarry a guy from that church. We were divorced about 10 years ago. What will this annulment do to our divorce decree that we signed … [Read more...] about What does a religious annulment do to a divorce decree?
Is it against Islam for Muslims to judge others?
Anonymous: Is it against Islam for Muslims to judge others? In the Christian Bible is says, "thou shall not judge". Most Christians do not follow that. Is there a similiar thing in Islam? Answers and Views: Answer by ExoticaYes! It is very wrong in Islam to judge others even according to the holy Quran, were supposted to leave that to God, … [Read more...] about Is it against Islam for Muslims to judge others?
yv060183: international??? can someone tell me, who knows, what the heck an international drivers license is. to me it sounds a little strange that one would exist. Answers and Views: Answer by BarbaraThere is indeed such a thing, though I believe it's more like a permit than license. It's not required or even helpful, in all cases. For … [Read more...] about international???
What university in Korea has a good Korean Language Program for foreigners?
Mojitos are Yummy: What university in Korea has a good Korean Language Program for foreigners? I need to improve my speaking skills in Korean. I'd like to go to Korea for 1-3 months and enroll in a Korean language program at a university there. I'd like to know of some universities with good Korean language programs for foreigners and which would … [Read more...] about What university in Korea has a good Korean Language Program for foreigners?
How can you be loving to a woman & sexually satisfy her also?
strawman: How can you be loving to a woman & sexually satisfy her also? The only way I know how to satisfy a woman is by pure lust & I've never "made love" b4, it's always been void of true Love. If I ever do end up rly loving a woman, I cant imagine treating her like a toy. So how the hell can there b Love & lust in the same place? I … [Read more...] about How can you be loving to a woman & sexually satisfy her also?
How much longer will the market “recovery” talk be swinging back and forth?
Lawrence D: How much longer will the market "recovery" talk be swinging back and forth? It seems like every day we get the opposite view coming out with people saying a recovery is underway, and others saying there will be no recovery, we're headed into the tank. The stock market is bouncing around like a bobble head on a roller coaster - sooner … [Read more...] about How much longer will the market “recovery” talk be swinging back and forth?