hewwy12: What federal law requires a bank to charge for using an ATM card more than four times a month? My sister is being charged for using her own money in affect because she used her ATM card more than four times a month, eight times in all, and the bank is charging her 10 per each transaction after the fourth one. She Was told by the teller … [Read more...] about What federal law requires a bank to charge for using an ATM card more than four times a month?
How to bridge the gap between friendship and a relationship?
Martin 2010: How to bridge the gap between friendship and a relationship? I have known this girl for a good while and we have become great friends. She recently asked me to the cinema and we went and had a great time. I was going to make a move at the end of the night, it felt right, but decided against unfortunately. We get along great and always … [Read more...] about How to bridge the gap between friendship and a relationship?
What should I major in?
Poppy-May: What should I major in? I seriously want to know what I should choose to do in college so I can set myself up for a better chance in the "real world." I know I'm really good at English and Language and Lit, and I'm a good essay writer, and I've done a lot of creative writing (won some awards/cash here and there), but there's no market … [Read more...] about What should I major in?
Why is religion so important to the press in politics?
Juice: Why is religion so important to the press in politics? I can't help but notice that no matter who is running for what election, religion is always an issue. Why is it that a candidate's religion always comes under fire by the press, specifically in presidential races? Answers and Views: Answer by Modus OperandiCertain groups in the … [Read more...] about Why is religion so important to the press in politics?
Skeeder: Bible?????? who all know the verse john 16??? Answers and Views: Answer by @ngelaJohn 16 what? That is a chapter...not a verse. Do you mean JOhn 3:16? Answer by Sydney Disnt like and he gave his only son? or something sorry! was it for homework? if i knew it i would tell you and try to help but i dont. if you have a bible, you can … [Read more...] about Bible??????
What is a good religion to compare and contrast Catholicism with?
thunder_baby04: What is a good religion to compare and contrast Catholicism with? I am writing a Report on Catholicism. Part of the report is to compare and contrast my religion of choice with another religion. What I want to know is what religion is going to effectively compare and contrast with Catholicism? Any ideas are … [Read more...] about What is a good religion to compare and contrast Catholicism with?
How does a law get passed through the white house?
boxing_kangaroo: How does a law get passed through the white house? I thought the president decides the law. Than I found out that it had to go through Congress. Than I found out senators were involved. Well, just exactly how does a law get passed? Can someone explain the step-by-step process please? From my understanding, the president makes … [Read more...] about How does a law get passed through the white house?