annapatat: Why would one parrot fish attack all the other fish in the tank? There are no visible eggs and the parrot fish also lost his color. There are 3 other parrot fish in the tank along with 2 silverbacks and one bigger fish. The one parrot fish wouldn't allow anyone else to come to his side of the tank. Should we remove him? Answers … [Read more...] about Why would one parrot fish attack all the other fish in the tank?
Scott: CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? Im 14 and am so excited for driving!! The only thing is i dont know anything about them except how to drive or the basics haha does anyone know a website or a good book where i can learn about cars and then different types (like trucks vans and then like porsche and lamborgini) i want to know the basics a need to know … [Read more...] about CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
How many pets are you allowed in a household?
Cassie: How many pets are you allowed in a household? My mother lives in Illinois and she was wondering how many pets can she have in her household. I personally think it is 5. I tried looking it up on the internet but couldnt find a site that tells me anything. Does anyone know what the limit is in illinois? Answers and Views: Answer by … [Read more...] about How many pets are you allowed in a household?
How can I help my horse get over her seperation anxiety from another horse?
LilCat: How can I help my horse get over her seperation anxiety from another horse? I just take her out of her stall and she starts prancing when I walk her, and calling to the other horse. I put her in a pasture today to let her graze, and she took a few bites but then started to pace and run around. She is not the youngest horse and she isn't … [Read more...] about How can I help my horse get over her seperation anxiety from another horse?
How do you KEEP your house clean?
timesdragonfly: How do you KEEP your house clean? It never fails, I spend my weekend running errands and cleaning my house. By the time I go back to work, I need a weekend from my weekend. I promise myself I will keep my house clean so that NEXT weekend, I'll be able to relax a little. Alas! The house is looking crummy by Wednesday and down right … [Read more...] about How do you KEEP your house clean?
What type of experience would you expect from your pet sitter?
Simba: What type of experience would you expect from your pet sitter? I am considering starting my own business as a pet sitter. Caring for pets while people are at work, or on vacation. I don't have any professional experience like this, but I have always had animals (mostly cats, a few dogs) and I volunteer at the local animal shelter. What … [Read more...] about What type of experience would you expect from your pet sitter?
What garden vegitables make the best cash crop?
Kenny S: What garden vegitables make the best cash crop? I wanted to grow something I could sell/trade at the farmers market. What garden crop has the best prices and yield with the lowest amount of effort? Answers and Views: Answer by nateatthefarmGarlic onions, and even tomatoes are becoming profitable again.Asparugus is outrageous if you … [Read more...] about What garden vegitables make the best cash crop?