python09: Internet??? Do I need to download a driver of some sort or a program to get my FastCAT 5e Ethernet Cable working on my Imac G3 running Mac OS 9? PLEASE ANSWER!!!!! I have it all hooked up to the router and to my iMac then when I try the internet it says that it failed to load the URL. What am I doing wrong? Answers and Views: Answer … [Read more...] about Internet???
What is the difference between myspace and facebook?
Bill D: What is the difference between myspace and facebook? Is there anything you can do on Facebook that you can’t do on myspace? Or the other way around? I know on Facebook you can leave wall comments and see what everyone wrote under it if they comment on someone’s wall and myspace you can’t. They only have blogs and bulletins on myspace and … [Read more...] about What is the difference between myspace and facebook?
Would this be appropriate to put in LinkedIn under work experience?
678: Would this be appropriate to put in LinkedIn under work experience? Would stating I worked at a shoe store for 3 months when I'm an Electrical Engineering (electronic industry) major? Because I had someone from an electronic company look at my profile and they just look, that's it. But would saying i worked at a shoe store offset that? If I … [Read more...] about Would this be appropriate to put in LinkedIn under work experience?
How do I hide updates on Facebook that show someones game status or horoscope?
Douglas: How do I hide updates on Facebook that show someones game status or horoscope? I hate going onto to facebook and seeing stuff like "Greg's horoscope today is...." or "Mandy needs 3 more farm animals" or some crap. Is there a way to hide that? Answers and Views: Answer by Manda GHover over said status. Click the X next to it. You will … [Read more...] about How do I hide updates on Facebook that show someones game status or horoscope?
iluvhandsom.: MySpAce!???!!!?!!!!!!??? Can someone find me a chevy truck myspace layout for my boyfriend?? All the ones i've found look stupid. And i dont want any of a car!! Just Chevy trucks Or the chevy symbol or something. Not real old chevy trucks either. Find one that looks cool! 10 points to the best one!! Thank ya. Answers and … [Read more...] about MySpAce!???!!!?!!!!!!???
How to convince my dad to get fibre optic virgin media to stop my slow internet speed ?
Jason De: How to convince my dad to get fibre optic virgin media to stop my slow internet speed ? I am currently with sky and recieving up to 1mb i am in the fibre optic area for virgin but am not sure whether the speed will be improved if i get the 10mb package. My dad is reluctant to move provider as we are getting a good price with sky and he … [Read more...] about How to convince my dad to get fibre optic virgin media to stop my slow internet speed ?
How come when I report spam and advertising it is still there for days and days?
Aussie: How come when I report spam and advertising it is still there for days and days? Am I that untrustworthy that spam, advertising, chats, rants and swearing has to be reported by people who need more than a Police check into their back ground? How the heck do you become 'trusted' to report SPAM? Does anyone else have this … [Read more...] about How come when I report spam and advertising it is still there for days and days?