Emily: Pet Owner, Would you like your veterinary clinic to have a personal trainer for your dogs?
Pet Owner, Would you like your veterinary clinic to have a personal trainer for your dogs?
Our vet clinic is interested and having their own personal trainer for dogs. So any of our clients’ pets have behavioral issues they could be dealt with at one place.
The trainer would get tips, hands on training, follow ups.
Pet owners what do you think of that idea?
How much would you be willing to pay per session.
Answers and Views:
Answer by sarahwdw
When I got my Bull-mastiff puppy, I knew she was going to be a big dog. So as soon as she turned 3 months old, I signed up for a puppy obedience class, two lessons a week for 4 weeks for $ 400.00. If some lesson, like stay didn’t hold, she got one retraining session for free. She will turn 7 years old in Feb. and still knows and obeys all her commands. I consider it money well spent.
I have known people that were having behavioral problems with their dogs and either didn’t know a trainer or didn’t have time to take a class with their dog. The dog ended up left in the yard 24/7 with very little interaction with the owner or given to animal control or dumped.
I love the idea of a vet clinic with a trainer on site. My trainer’s price was very reasonable, so $ 50.00 a session would be affordable for most dog owners. To train an adult dog in my area can cost from $ 1600. to $ 2000. Most owners won’t pay $ 200. or more for 1 session with a trainer.
Answer by oregano13I would think that there would not be enough business for a trainer to have one on staff full-time at just one vet practice, unless it’s huge. I also find the vet’s office to be a mentally stressful place for pets, and one that I would not want to take my dogs to for training. Personally, I probably wouldn’t use a trainer located in a vet’s office for that reason- I want training to be fun, low-stress, and being surrounded by sick and stressed animals does not accomplish that. My vet maintains lists of local trainers and the behavioral problems they are prepared to address and hands it out to their clients, I think that’s effective and really the way to go.
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