sportsdude80: PeT????????
i would like a good pet and i dont know what to get. i want one that i can hold too.
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Answer by love 2 swim
Get a Giant African millipede! I have one and love it. You like never have to clean the cage, they don’t smell, they eat veggies and fruit, and are actually really cute with little entennas. Plus you’ll wow people with your exotic creature!
Get a rabbit! They are so cute and friendly! And you can play with it outside too if you get it a harnest. And you can potty train it so you dont have to clean the cage as much! Although they are a little exspensive. You have to buy a big cage for it which cost around 80 dollars.. thats what mine cost. And then the food, toys, grooming things, timothy hay, and all of that cost money and the bunny I got cost 80 dollars… so yah. But if you want something cheap go for a guinea pig or a hamster!Answer by Foley
While some people are opposed to rats, everyone I know who has gotten to know them absolutely love them. They are ADORABLE, come in many different varieties to suit your preference, are generally really healthy, you can get one for as little as $ 2.oo, and are the friendliest, most active, bonding critters you will ever meet! Do a little research, and you will find only positives about fanc rats. Plus if you get one from a place like petco you’d be saving an animal that otherwise would have been live snake chow. The best way I can put rats is that they are like tiny dogs personality wise; and the best dogs at that! You will never meet a pet rat you won’t like. If you have any questions, email me.
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