You Never Know: How many days can a person have as vacations in Australia?
How many days can a person have as vacations in Australia??
Is the same for all types of jobs??
What are Australian holidays??
How many days do you have as weekends??
Answers and Views:
Answer by The trains will run on time!
Well if I were to go to Australia on vacation, being how far away it is, I would want to go for at least 2 or 3 weeks. I would make sure that the entire period is bracketed by weekend on both ends.
Answer by scat
Most jobs have 20 days a year – thats for positions that are 9-5pm M-F. Jobs that have different days/hours have different number of days off. A friend works 12 hour days – 7 days a fortnight and gets two months off (two sets of 4 weeks) off a year.
Different states have different holidays but all have ANZAC day (but only on the day – if its on a Saturday (like this year) no additional day holiday, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Australia Day, Xmas day are national – there are additional state holidays.
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