colebomb23: Parents!!!!!?
I work with a lady who also works at a HOSS’s in central PA. She told me that even though her foster parents are her legal parents she was told they could not use her employee family discount since they were not blood related. Does this not seem really wrong to anyone else??? That is like saying your adoptive parents arent your parents.
They were offered this discount to start off with but in the last month or so they were told it with no notification whether verbal or written was made saying they changed the policy.
Answers and Views:
Answer by C D
What? Oh No my friend that is a lawsuit! My husband isn’t blood related…so he shouldn’t get the discount. Hire a lawyer quickly. First get it in writing.
If you have been legally adopted then your adoptive parents and you have all the rights of blood related children and parents.Answer by Yellow B
All state laws recognize adoptive families the same as they recognize biological families. I am not sure if foster family=adoptive family, but it would be really easy to check your state’s laws on Or you could write to your legislator.Answer by Brainiacs
that’s ridiculous!! get a lawyer, get’em now!Answer by kp
But you didn’t say they are her adoptive parents, you said they’re her foster parents. There’s a difference between the two.
There’s no law regarding this. It’s strictly a store policy, and they can have whatever policy they want as far as employee family discounts (including not offering it at all). It would only be an issue if they refused to allow her foster parents to get the discount and then allowed another employee’s foster parents to get it.
Now, is it ‘right’? That’s a different issue entirely.
Answer by wondermomFoster doesn’t mean adoptive, it means legal guardian. A brother, sister etc and be a legal guardian without being and they are not legally considered the child’s parent.
IF they were to adopt her legally, then they could use the employee discount.
Answer by gomanyes562Are her parents her foster parents or her adoptive parents? If they have officially adopted her, they are entitled to the discount. Otherwise, it’s up to the store.
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