QUICK_QUESTION: my new tattoo!! whats wrong with it!?
i got a tattoo on my right sholder blade, its 7 stars in different colors. my fiance noticed while putting a&d ointment on it, that some of the starts were looked really bad like the tattooer had went to deep and they are starting to scab pretty bad, ill this heal ok or do i need to talk to someone??
Answers and Views:
Answer by Jen~E
It will heal!! Just keep putting A&D on it!
Answer by JeNnY-BaBe
i think it might be fine but you might what to talk to you dock if it get worse
Answer by KK
i think tattos r a disgusting waste of money. i say remove it and forget about tatoos!
Answer by Brittany M
it might heel or you might need to talk to someone
Answer by David J
It’s perfectly normal to get scabs, even deep scabs.
Just keep using vaseline, or neosporin, or tattoo goo, and do NOT pick the scabs.
Answer by Cozmik Debris
It’ll scab for a few days and feel like you got a sunburn, but then it should heal. If the scabbing lasts more then a week, you may have a problem.
ADDED: And yeah, don’t pick at the scabs or you may pull the ink out and then it will look like hell.
Answer by inkeddoc
Keep putting the A&D ointment on it. Don’t put to much on it or it won’t breathe right. It is normal for it to scab up and don’t pick at the scabs. It sounds like it is NORMAL
Answer by Scooterrific
if he went in pretty deep, it should scab.
switch from a&d to bacitracin is its scabbed pretty bad. A&D is not recommended as it will not allow the skin to breathe properly.
once it’s completely healed, your skin should look shiny for the first couple of weeks, and you will more than likely scar.
Whatever you do, don’t pick at the tattoo, this will just make matters worse
next time, ask the artist if their tattoos usually peel or scab.
tattoos that have been properly done should peel not scab, and feel like a sunburn, peeling like one to
Answer by Manzil P
it’s going to scab.
keep up whatever you’re doing, let it heal.
Answer by Aly
it should heal just fine. just be careful you don’t let it get infected. my friend got a tiny star on her foot and ended up with an awful staph infection.
these cases in the above link are some of the more rare and serious ones. just be careful and make sure to clean it properly and you should be fine. good luck!
Answer by MissL
your tattoo is fine, just keep putting the ointment on it. a tattoo is basically a cut with ink in it, so some amount of scabing, bruising, bleeding, etc. can be expected. if it itches DONT SCRATCH your fingernails can transfer harmful bacteria to the tattoo while it is still healing. scratching also increases the risk of removing the scabs before they fall off naturally. if u pick or scratch off the scabs they will take ink with them and u will have to go back to get it touched up.
Answer by clovertootall
There is nothing wrong with it. It is just healing up! Keep put a&d on it.
Answer by butters
it is supposed to scap up just keep washing and adding a and d.
Answer by Lee Lee
it will heal just fine. my artist went way to deep & one of my fairies is very “blurry” compared to the other ones. since it is just stars they will be able to go back over it & redo he colour. just talk to your artist.
Answer by ~jen~
keep applying your ointment and it should be fine.
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