j.lea76: How do you add music to Powerpoint 2007 but also add it to a portable flash-drive?
I have to take present Powerpoint presentations to school, but I need to add music to it. The last time I did it, I added the music to the presentation but the music didn’t play at all. I can’t just take my computer to school, so I put the Powerpoint on my flash drive. Do I have to add the music file that I added to my presentation on my flashdrive as well?
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Answer by Swiss
When you insert the audio into the PowerPoint and the audio is just in your computer not in the PowerPoint that is why it said, “Windows cannot play…” Always put the music audio in the same folder as your PowerPoint presentation on your computer.
The source music file is only on your computer but not on others’.
So place the presentation file and the music together in the same folder, zip it and then drag it on your flash-drive
There is a picture for you that this the right way for you insert the audio file on your presentation:
when you insert the audio, you just link to that file. once you move your slids to other computer, the music will not play because the music is not stored in that computer. to play it, you have two ways:
1) always put your music in the same fold with your slides. that means you need to add the music to your flash drive
2) embed, not only link the music to your powerpoint. please follow the following step;
1. Make sure your music is in WAV format (mp3 files can only be linked and not embedded)
2. Increase the value in the Link sounds with file size greater than box to a value greater than the file size of the MP3 file.
For example if the file size is 4.5MB then you will need to include a value higher than 4500. A good general purpose size that should incorporate most song files is 6000 as most mp3 files are less than 6MB. Be careful as some classical music tracks could be longer than this.The only downside is that the file size of the final file could be quite large.
There is a 50 Mb limit for embedding WAV files. For example if you had two WAV files of 34 MB the you will be able to embed them, but it would make your file size over 68MB.
for more details, please visit
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