Suzie s: Do you think it is a mistake to try and change your husband?
“Ever since we got married, my wife has tried to change me. She got me to stop drinking, smoking and running around until all hours of the night. She taught me how to dress well, enjoy the fine arts, gourmet cooking, classical music, even how to invest in the stock market,” said the man. “Sounds like you may be bitter because she changed you so drastically,” remarked his friend. “I’m not bitter. Now that I’m so improved, she just isn’t good enough for me.”
Answers and Views:
Answer by Scott S
Answer by christine r
Great Answer…….lol
Answer by butterfliesRfree
That’s funny……………….
Answer by kabandhas0102
ABSO FREAKN LUTELY! This is what makes a guy wanna step out on his wife
Answer by nettyone2003
Very good!
Answer by Neil M
“Do you think it is a mistake to try and change your husband”
No it all right to change him if you bought him at Marks and Spencers.
Answer by Rayvin
It’s not a mistake. women who help their men become better men also work at becoming better women at the same time. Change is good.
Answer by pea_nut_26
Change or Exchange… hee hee
Answer by Jessica J
I think to purposely try to change anyone is foolish. People change together, and whatever you want your husband to become, you should think about what you could change about yourself. The more he sees you better yourself, the more inspired he might feel.
Answer by srbyn1
The thing is to know him well before you marry him; then accept him along with his faults; after-all, he has to do the same, with you. If he has more bad faults than you have fingers, then you don’t bother to marry him; he may be more suitable for someone else out there.
Answer by wxone
Perhaps too much change is a bad thing. Chuckles!!
Answer by david c
Dint bite the hand that feeds you, she made you a better man then you were, imagine you never met her, you would be the same old person trying to figure out who you are and what you are capable of, you ain’t better then anybody, be happy she helped you change for the better.
Answer by mychemicalromancegirl
Well, she should have never try to change you in the first place. Some things doesn’t need to be fixed. I say try to work things out but if things can’t be worked out and the love is gone, then I recommend that you file for a divorce. She screwed up big time.
Answer by Curtis B
That’s one of the many funny things about women. They meet a guy they fall head over heels for, then try to change him into something altogether different. You fell in love with John Wayne, why try to change him into Frank Sinatra?
Answer by nora r
If you love someone, you make compromises for them. However, no one has the real right to”change” another. One can make”suggestions” but they don’t have to do it. When I run across someone who has behaviors I don’t like, I either get away from them, when I can, or put up with it. Why don’t you and your wife go into marriage counciling. If she won’t go, go yourself.
Answer by ANN R
No I never thought it was a mistake to try and change my husband. He left and came back three times, and when he said if you get a dog I will never come back again, I went out and got a dog that day. My dog never sleeps with other women, he doesn’t even drink beer, he breaks wind occasionally but he sleeps in his own bed and not mine! He never nags, tells me I am too fat, too ugly, haven’t cooked dinner as he wants it, never tells me what I can and can’t wear and if I have any problems with dodgy boyfriends, he will quite happily bite their ass! Lol NEVER A MISTAKE TO CHANGE A HUSBAND< BUT ONLY ARGOS GIVES A !^ DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE lol lol lol
Answer by wyomingcowgirl
lol–that will teach her not to try to change him!!!
Answer by kitty
Yeah for sure and she changed her’s for the worse.. the SOB..LOL Didnt even give her credit for the change.. I hate that!!
Answer by June smiles
Cute ending, but it would never happen!
Answer by ☼boobaby454☼
Good One! lol- But I would never try to do that if I got married. I think you except them for who they are when you say I do. Is that Old-Fashioned?
Answer by Loose Change™¢
If only it were true. But as we all know,
A man marries a woman thinking she’ll never change. She does.
A woman marries a man thinking she can change him. She can’t.
Answer by DR W
The only time a woman can really “change” a man is in infancy, Suzie.
Answer by CJ
Good one Suzie – funny – CJ
A star is on its way!
Answer by Jillary von Hämsterviel™
this reminds me of a movie i saw.
a woman found a dog training book and decided to use the same theories to modify her husband’s behavior.
It worked. he was changing, all was well, till he found the book and was quite pissed off.
i never believed in telling my husband what to do. I figure that was his mommy’s job, when he was four.
women are supposed to have the sense god gave a goose to marry men that they don’t need to be told what would be in their best interest. (imho)
Answer by Cilia
Answer by Diamond
serves her right
Answer by can’t get along
she made him!!! she should break him!!!!
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