: Can my landlord prevent us from having pets when my neighbors do?
Our management company took over this property about a year ago and we moved in shortly after. They stated no pets, yet 3 of our neighbors who lived here before our landlord took over have pets. Is there any law preventing them from discrimanting against us? If so please let me know.
Answers and Views:
Answer by JenniferinNY
You moved in after the rule kicked in, your neighbors are grandfathered in under the old rule probably for as long as their rent agreement is for.
They aren’t discriminating against you. You knew the rules, you signed the renter’s agreement signifying you agreed with the rules. Any new renters they get will probably not be allowed to have pets either.
If you knew you wanted pets, you should have gotten a pet-friendly apartment in the first place.
You will either lose your pet if you decide to get one, or your apartment for breaking your lease agreement.
Your neighbor’s won’t, because the lease they signed with the previous owner allowed them to have pets.
It’s not discrimination.
It’s very legal. The people who had pets before the new landlord took over were allowed to do what’s called being “grandfathered” in. This allows them to keep pets they already have, but they will not be allowed to get any new ones. Once their pets are gone then they fall under the same rules as everyone else.Answer by FL Chic a.k.a Advice Chic ~Heyy~
Thats not fair….You can take them to court. Get a pet anyways or ask their neighbor how they have pet because in these apartments they cant have pets but sum ppl do cause they get papers to have pets and some pay.They juss cant b harmful.Answer by Elaine M
They were ‘grandfathered’ in, since they had them prior to the new owners. They probably had to pay an extra fee though, that’s usually how it works (an extra month’s rent). But any new tenants are barred from getting pets.
You can ask what the exceptions are–fish? Chinchilla? Caged animals like birds/hamsters/snakes? There are usually some exceptions like that allowed.
Answer by H mom of 3Yes, they can do that, it is totally legal for them to tell you no pets allowed. The reason that the other tennants are allowed to have their pets is because the other tenants had the pets before it changed management company and they can’t ask those tenants to get rid of their pets if they already had them before the change took place. If anyone moves in after the change takes place the management company can make the rules that they want to and unfortunately there is nothing that you can do to change that. Also, I’m sure that somewhere in your contract it states that there are no pets allowed in the apt and if you signed that contract then you are legally binded by what you signed. It will not be considered discremenation if you were to take it to court. Also just FYI, discrimination is when a landlord won’t rent to you due to your religion, ethnicity, or children that you have. Good luck to you and next time you rent maybe look for a place that allows small pets.Answer by Rikki-Tikki-Tavi
Our landlord said no pets either but we got a dog anyway. Then we got a new landlord and he knows shes here and doesnt seem to care. In your lease it should say no discrimation, which the landlord signs.
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