Bycio B: How to get my kitten to stop nursing on my older cat?
I adopted two wonderful kitties- one’s about 12 weeks old, the other 4 weeks. The smaller obsessively tried to nurse the older girl.
I have no idea how to make him stop. I realize he is still a baby and was probably not ready to stop nursing, but the older cat is so annoyed. She can’t sleep peacefully because a little kitten is attached to her nipples!!
Any ideas? I’m thinking of getting a small bottle for him and feeding him that way, hoping he’ll learn to leave her alone. Anyone else have this problem? How’d you get them to stop? What’s the typical age a kitten stops nursing?
Answers and Views:
Answer by loggermin
Let nature takes its course.
They were taken away from their mother before they were weaned. Just keep the older cat away from them for awhile and they will stop.Answer by bubu
When the older cat gets enough, she will make him stop, just let her take care of it.Answer by hot_for_georgeclooney
the fact he was away from his mom at a young age has effected him alot. kittens don’t just suckle to eat it also a way to calm down.
yes trying to bottle feed him may help. but he may not stop for good. though most of them do stop once they get older. you can try and let the two cats work it out for themselfs. as long as he is eating ok you should panic too much.
if he doesn’t stop as he will get older you can talk to a cat beaver specialist he will be able to help you out.
when they are with their mom they start nursing milk at about three montes. the recommended early age to adopt a kitten is two montes i think it should be four since outside that is about the age the mom sends them away.
when i take care of nursing kittens without a mom i take them off the bottle at a month old but that’s because i take care of alot of kittens so in order to make room for a new kitten i must speed everything up.
by a month and half all the nursing kittens i took care of ate dry food.
In most cases kittens are fully weaned at eight weeks. The
kittens depend on mothers milk. There at a crucial stage,
where they need that steady milk supply. Moms milk is like
a special brew that they need alot of nutrition, as well they
also get antibodies that help guard them against disease.
Be fore you try and getting a bottle and doing it yourself, ask
a vet about special formula that you can give to him. They
would know what would be closesest to mothers milk. Hope
this helps you out a little anyway. Its basically instint for babies.Answer by communicating with the animals
4 weeks is far toooooo early for a kitten to be taken from it’s mom.
You must call and make an appointment with your Vet. The little one might not be getting enoough nourshment and is hungry. You didn’t say how long you have them. There is so much to be considered. Have they been dewormed? What is does the stool look like. If there is any change in stool to too soft or hard call your Vet.
Putting the young kitten on a bottle with special formula for cats will definately be a benifit at this age.
The habit of older kittens suckling for that nice feeling is not uncommon. I had a kitten at 5 ms suck on my 4 yr old neutered male. They were best buddies but the 5 yr old got sore nipples. I had taken in the kittens as stray and did find a home for all. I just had to keep alert and distract the younger one.
It is all way best to have your own Vet examine any new cats that come into your home.
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