Brad: Is there anything more compassionate than abolishing taxation?
The act of theft known by the euphemism of “taxation” is the root cause of all social problems. It empowers criminal gangs calling themselves “governments” to fund the orgies of mass murder and mass destruction of property known as “wars.” It funds the counterproductive government regulations and “welfare” programs that destroy economic progress and perpetuate poverty. It funds the awful government schools that indoctrinate children in false ideas, undermine their desire to learn, and ensure that many people are unable to read, write, spell, or do basic math. It empowers the entity that was responsible for slavery, segregation, and every other evil throughout history. It empowers busybody Prohibitionists to commit atrocious crimes against people who engage in actions that they dislike. It empowers those who are against progress to run up the price of gas. It empowered lunatics like Hitler and Stalin to murder millions of people. It empowers certain businesses by giving them a government to use to bankrupt their competition. Taxation is the funding means of the organization which is the enemy of peace, freedom, and prosperity.
Is there anything more compassionate than supporting the absolute abolition of the form of theft called taxation?
Answers and Views:
Answer by John C
Yeah, taxes suck, Vote Bob Barr, he’s against the IRS as I am!!
Sure why not. We don’t have to have police, FBI, the Military, CIA or ICE. We don’t need any schools, colleges or any of that stuff.
We not need anyone to ck if your food is being put on the Market that has been poison or ever our water.
Sure lets get rid of the Gov’t period.
Answer by DonYes there is. We can use our taxes to better all of the things you rail about in your diatribe. There is nothing wrong with taxes, that is the way we make government work. The secret is to have good government spending our tax money for what is best for our country and the world.Answer by socrates
I’d say so. Yes, most definitely. Progressive taxation and redistribution of that wealth to the people who need it most would be much more compassionate. No taxation at all would result in a U.S. that would be more cruel and inhumane to the poor than Europe during the Dark Ages.Answer by itsyourworld_changeit
Yes, making the tax code simpler and more fair for the poor, middle and working class Americans!!Answer by Wayne G
well, that’s a home run of a question/answer I’ve read in a long time.
I have to agree wholeheartedly with your assessment. But the liberal part of me thinks the government should be wholly involved in people’s lives, tax us more, pay for the murder of innocent children (some call it abortion) whether it’s full term, partial birth or, as Mr. Obama thinks is okay, the killing of a newly born baby that survived a late term abortion. the liberal part of me thinks it’s okay for the government to spend us into eternal debt and keep our sovereignty tied up in so much red tape we can no longer be a viable, competitive world leader. What’s a schizophrenic to do?Answer by Aidan
Without taxation the state would have to dissolved. In a class society this is impossible because the antagonism between the rich and the poor will lead to conflict. Even if corporations funded some sort of private army the legitimacy of a such an army would be strained in a society because of its source leading to rebellions and repression. A baised army favours some indivuals freedoms over others. As a result people would have to purchase this security. If peace was to be made between the classes the armed body of men would have to appear impartial therefore impartially run and possibly dually funded. Say if this peace was bought by a treaty with conditions people to regulate these conditions would also be necessary such as a bureacracy. A justice system would have to be established to decide what a crime was and who commited it. To bolster the impartiallity of this bureacracy perhaps it would be taxed as a on an equal basis or a proportional bases but the individuals in the bureacracy and forces would be blind to these payments.
At the same time the bureacracy could take over key services which the market is unwilling to supply to individuals. Such as street lights because people cannot be excluded from their use so people who didnt pay could avail of it for free. The bureacracy could either a get the individuals to supply money to it so it can provide the directly or buy them from some private companies that could sell them.
War is the inevitable outcome of unequal power relations, resources and knowledge. This is endemic of class society. A capitalist non-taxed harmonious utopia doesnt exist. People will fight over who gets what and why. This is why there are many examples of non-totalitarians crimes against humanity. Such as the on the ground ethnic cleansing in Yugoslavia, Rwanda, and Northern Ireland. All caused be inequality. South America is a perfect example of neoliberal politics at work wherein instability and societal polarisation is at a high. This is not unlike the political polarisation in the USA. It is the most neoliberal and most socially unequal country in the western world. Inequality is instability which leads to class war, often welfare programs are an investment in peace.
In areas like education the market can fail to supply an adequate product. This is especially so because people dont get a second chance in education so the regulation of exams and minimun standards is required.
Taxation and the state are the inevitable result of class politics and no amount of idealism will stop this.Answer by Dave M
Now let me get this straight you get rid of all taxes, so that way we can no longer pay for the military, FBI & CIA along with a bunch of other govt. agencies, schools, teachers – you do live in a strange world.Answer by Gen. Jack D. Ripper
Income should not be taxed. Sales tax is fair, except on basic foods. Let people decide how they spend their money. Fair tax.
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