Tom C: H&R Block tax preparer – how much are they paid and how much can they expect to earn during the tax season?
I was thinking of taking the HR Block tax preparation course and then, hopefully, working for them as a tax preparer during the regular tax season, Jan – April. What are tax preparers paid and how much does a tax preparer generally earn during a typical tax season. Is there a possiblity of becoming a permanent, full time employee?
Answers and Views:
Answer by humynism
I paid $ 300 for a crumby non-H & R tax preparer, then paid about $ 500 for an itemized return with H & R Block and got back 7-10X the return.
You should have been thinking about this about 4 months ago. HRB offers it’s classes starting in August.Answer by r_kav
They don’t earn much. Try to prepare for another line of work.Answer by ninasgramma
Unless you already know how to prepare taxes, it is too late to work for HR Block in 2010. You might try to get in as a client service person (front desk that checks people in) for 2010.
You will get a more complete answer about pay by calling the office of your choice. It is a fair question, but you won’t likely get a more definite answer than that you are paid according to how much money you generate doing tax returns.
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