Bobio: Is it legal to sell an Mp3 player, with music albums and movies loaded on, it on ebay?
I was planning on selling mine with a couple albums I put on it, wanted to know if it’s okay to sell it over ebay with music loaded or if I had to reset it.
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Answer by DETOX…!
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Answer by Lan
Even though iTunes or Amazon (or whoever you bought the music from) probably wouldn’t be pleased, no one is going to say anything about it. It would be similar to selling a CD on eBay, just its on a hard drive not on a disc.
Answer by christen25_criztophe
eBay may pull ur listing if u list ur mp3 player will all the info on their as part of the sale.
Basically, u can’t say that u’re selling an mp3 player that comes with music, albums, and movies then increase the price because of the data. That’ll mess with copyrights.
So NO, that’s illegal.
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