: What was the last selling price of my house?
I want to find the latest selling price of a house that I’m buying. I know there is a website, but I can’t find it. Anyone know? It’s a website that tells you what date and the final selling price of a house.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Spock (rhp)
tax assessor’s office and/or their links to the property recorder’s office.
Answer by KimmyKB
Ours is under the county commissioner office online. You can also just go to the local courthouse and ask them for the records. They are public records, so they should release them to you!
Answer by bob and dolly k
you can go on yahoo real estate and there should be a box somewhere
in the page that says find out what my homes worth. or something similar
type in the address of the house and it will tell you. if the house has sold
just recently it might not be on the system yet, it takes a little while.
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