derek: How do international students get good student loans?
I am from Brazil and am looking on going to chicago to the french pastry school and I want to now if how do international students get loans.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Jian C
Well, i am puertorican and i got a loan theyd be just as happy to give you one 🙂
Answer by Amber Marie
You may actually be able to get a loan from your home country, but you can also get one in America. Contact the schools’ financial aid office to see what they say about their lenders and local options for loans.
Answer by Michelle
Bad credit student loan that is sponsored by the government is dispersed by the colleges and schools. The amount that could be acquired as government student loan varies dependent upon the requirement of the borrower. It is dependent upon the administration of the school and colleges,
Answer by Cool D
Read a tips how to get your student loan:
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