♡electric rhythm♫: do you think its safe to say “i love you” to a guy who insists we are “love making” and not just having sex?
he uses the term “love making” alot and wanted me to know that “we arent just having sex, we are making love.” he kept pushing that point alot. do you think its safe to say the L word yet?
lol…maybe i should have included, im looking for answers from adults, not high school kids. things are a liiiiittle different when youre older and whats “normal” for you may not be normal for someone else.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Backhoe
Sounds like he Love’s U. So I would say Yes.
if you love him you should tell him. i would never make love too OR have sex with anyone i didnt love. that should be special..Answer by Strawberryx0x0
Are you serious?
a NORMAL relationship says “i love you” first and THEN have sex.Answer by akaleus
Seriously?Answer by mahankali 3
He wants u to say ” I love you ” first
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