piercedears: How would a mother feel when her baby daughter was by the court to live with her father?
How would a mother feel when her baby daughter was taken away from her by the court and has to live with her father? The mother can supervised visitation every other week. The daughter always tells her mother that her daddy takes very care and the mother believes her.
Answers and Views:
Answer by HalfWayThere
She would feel LIKE A FAILURE!
Answer by gavi624NAAnswer by nanasmama12507
32.what? A mother would feel heartbroken. Well most mothers, I don’t know about the one in question, because for a court to only allow supervised visitation means she cant be trusted alone with her child. If it were me I’d be hurt offended and throw down something fierce because whatever was said to the courts to have my daughter taken from me and only allowed me supervised visitation is shanagons && i wouldnt allow it without a SERIOUS fightAnswer by holidae
the mom should feel horrible and probably did something bad to not get alone time with her daughter.Answer by saved_by_grace
There has to be a very good reason why the courts take a child from the mother and then give the mother only supervised visitation. The mother was doing something wrong in order for a judge to take that child. So if the mother was making bad choices etc…then that mother is likely so selfish that it doesn’t really matter to her if she has the child or not.Answer by Lola
i would get my life together and gain custody back.Answer by Ashley
I would feel like committing not so random acts of violence,
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