ajcsviper: How to stop a co-worker from spreading drama at work daily?
I have a co-worker who constantly spreads drama daily. Our department has had many discussions about this, but nothing seems to help, and my co-worker for some reason can’t simply leave it at home. Any suggestions??
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Answer by Mathieubg
If it’s affecting the workplace talk to your boss, work is for working, get her/him canned.
Or in this economy remind that person that alot of people would love the job without the drama.
Life’s too short to have to deal with assholes.
Answer by irishladyHave a meeting with your boss or dept manager & co-worker’sAnswer by swannmr
Convince everyone in the department not to play into this person’s hands. If everyone ignores what this person says then this person will eventually stop trying or just quit.Answer by tbo
I had the exact same problem, she was spreading rumours about me. I confronted her myself and I asked “Why are you spreading rumours about me”? She was shocked and got mad and told me Im a liar and i dont know what I’m talking about. I told her “oh yes i do know what im talking about and you need to stop ok”,, she got angry and told me Im crazy. I told her “the only one who is crazy is you and you dont know me and you need to stop and watch your back”
She got so scared she quit the job..
I just think u need to call out and confront these people directly
The drama queen/king can’t spread drama if you and your co-workers don’t cooperate with her/him. Ignoring people like this is the best way to deal with this sort of behavior. Add no fuel to the fire and it eventually goes out……Answer by Golani77
You and the other co-worker should ignore him . He will stop doing that drama when he see that he’s isolated .Answer by Cherry Flavored Antacid
Try gently bringing it up to them before going to any higher ups. If they’re making a big fuss over something little, try politely saying something like “It’s not that big of a deal.” Just be sure to sound light-hearted, not criticizing, or they could get defensive and pull more drama out of this new situation.
If this doesn’t work, trying mentioning it to some of your other co-workers. If any of them usually play into the made up drama (thereby encouraging your drama-obsessed co-worker), suggest that they try ignoring her drama so that she might be discouraged from it.
Some people just never seem to leave high school behind, but she may just be looking for attention. You could try talking to her occasionally (just light conversation) to make her feel more appreciated.
I’m not sure if going to your boss is the best idea, however. Unless it’s truly disrupting things (or bothering customers), you probably should not mention it.
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