ReD S.: How should a girl start to play soccer?
Over the summer, me and my friends are going to play all types of sports, also i want to teach my little sister to play! She loves soccer, and wants to become a very good soccer player! But How? Please Explain The Positions!?
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Answer by Maverick21
With her feet… the same way a guy should. Soccer (which will be called football from here on out because that’s what it is) is the beautiful game, so your sister is wise to choose it for her one true love.
The best way to learn the game is to spend lots of time with the ball, dribble it around the house, juggle, kick it at things for target practice, and so on. Watching football also has its advantages. If you get Fox Soccer Network or any foreign channels, you will find the game there. There are also many good instructional videos put out by coaches associations, European club teams, and probably youtube, too. If she is old enough, I would have her go to a referee clinic, it’s a good way to learn the mechanics of the game and how to manipulate the rules (and to appreciate how hard their job is) you make pretty good money, too. Football camp is also productive and fun.
Okay- on to basic positions. There is the Goalkeeper/ Goaltender/ Keeper/ Goalie. This guy is super-nuts and catches a lot of blame. This player uses his hands inside the Penalty Box to keep the ball from going into the goal. Very good sprinters! (remember, if someone scores, it had to go through 10 people other than the goalie)
Fullbacks- the last line of defense before the goalie. their job is to make it so the keeper can take a nap during the game. They usually don’t go too far past midfield. Very good sprinters/ Often very large (guys anyways)! Play physical, lots of slide tackling.
Halfbacks/Midfielders- these guys are nuts. they run all over the place all the time. They support the attackers/strikers/forwards on offense and run back to help the fullbacks on defense.their job is to make it so the keeper and fullbacks can take a nap during the game. Very good Endurance.
Attacker/Striker/Forward- these guys get all the glory and score. they’re usually good sprinters with lots of technical skills. If they are on either side, they’re called wings. Halfbacks never get to take naps and forwards are usually lazy when it comes to giving support (sorry)
Answer by J E
ok well forwards (aka strikers) are the guys that score
middles or midfielders are the ones that help defend while also helping the forwards score. they are usually the ones to take corner kick and throw-ins
the defenders are the ones that defend the goal and clear the ball to the mids and/or forwards to score
the goal keeper is the only player that can grab the ball he defends the goal by keeping the ball out of the net
for more info go to wikipedia and search football or soccer
Answer by Premier Red
Everything u need to know is here:
Answer by kimbo
here is another web you can look at
just start playing, look on line for help, i play but i have to SHOW you the positions, it also depends on her age what positions that she would need to know, if you want more help contact me.
Answer by ET
Best way to start soccer is to join a rec team or go to a camp. These are both fun and teach you the basics of soccer. Once you know the basics it is easy to practice your skills on your own.
The best things to practice on your own or in a small group are: one on one defending, passing, dribbling, and shooting. It is hard to learn strategy and awareness in any way other than experience and an extremely good coach. The best way to practice defending is to get two people and have one person try to take the ball from the other person. A simple yet effective way to practice both passing and shooting is to simply kick the ball against a wall, preferably with some kind of target marked out on it. Always focus on accuracy first, then try and hit the ball harder and harder while maintaining the same level of accuracy. To get good at dribbling I would try juggling the ball or simply using a size 1 or 2 ball and dribbling around with it.
The positions are:
The goalkeeper defends their goal. They are allowed to use their hands and can hold the ball as long as they are within the penalty box.
The striker/forward does the goal scoring. They stay on the opponents side of the field for most of the game and do very little defending. They are often very good at shooting and dribbbling and are typically fairly fast.
The midfielders are basically the play makers. They pass the ball around and get it up to the forwards to put them in a position to score. They do a lot of running and must be decent at just about everything, however they are always extremely good at giving and receiving passes.
The defenders/fullbacks are, as suggested by the name, the people who defend the goal. The most important thing to remember as a defender is to defend the goal first. Never get pulled out of a position and don’t follow a person very far if they aren’t threatening the goal. Defenders are almost always marking someone. They are typically good at heading the ball, they are good at one on one defending, and are typically both fast and fairly large.
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