K: How much difference does having a pet give? Does having a pet companion help you with bad times?
I really wanna have a pet. Im 22 yrs old and Im an only child. Im thinking of having a cat or a dog but I didnt grow up with any so im kinda scared of them. I dont know how to take care of them but i would love to know how! Im so lonely and I just recently had my heartbroken.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Future NFL Wide Receiver Star
A dog mam, I talk to my dog about my day everyday, he’s like my brother I never had.
I have a labrador
Cat and Dogs are great to get if you’re lonely and need a companion plus there easy to take care of you just need to potty train them teach them a few tricks and give them a alot of love. One thing you have to make sure you would have the time and energy to take care of that pet and not just leave it in a house 24 hours a day. Another thing don’t get so attached to this pet that you cut off all people in your life, you need people and not just pets in your life.Answer by Marlon
Don’t go for a dog you will need to have some pet experience to take care of them. A cat however is less demanding and would probably be more suitable for you.
The joy a pet can bring into your life is very great but its a commitment.
Good luck making your choice if any.
Answer by KazId start with something like a guinea pig or rabbit to get resposible etc & bond with. Cats & dogs are great but need work,dogs need someone all the time, walk,let out & company etc- cats are rather more independant & enjoy going off by themselves.
Id reccomend a rabbit or a guinea pig- then its there all the time to greet you etc,bond etc & they arent too expensive to look after. I have 1 cat,2bunnies & 2guinea pigs. I grew up on a farm & living without animals a few years ago just made me sad!! Dont rush into anything look around do some reasearch & think what would be best for you! Its easy for people to say cats- or dogs etc etc… but you need to think what home you can give it,time on it etc & do best for you & the animal.
Answer by ferretowner96If it hadn’t been for my dog, I would have committed suicide. I remember I was almost ready to commit suicide, and my dog came up and laid his head in my lap.I decided I would take him for one final walk, and then do it. I took him for a walk, came back and decided not to do it. My dog cared about me, even when everone else didn’t. I will always love my dog 🙂Answer by rainbowbear83
i prefer cat because they seems more mild temper and cute and quiet.. as in they don’t keep barking but u cannot really have that assurance all the time if u get a dog. but although dog has the added advantage as a “home security guard” (erm.)
But having pets sure help!! I can tell u this because it has help me, even pets like hamster u could hold them, talk to them(even they don’t understand) but having to care for some pet and knowing u care for them, feed them and let them live comfortably is a good feeling. But go for a larger pet like a cat or dog if u want to have some sort of “emotional connections”
Answer by wolfgirlPets really DO make a difference. I’m a college student and have 4 cats and 2 dogs at home that I love to death. 2 of the cats were orphans that I raised from 2 weeks old. At college I don’t really have any friends and am a bit of a hermit because I’m so out of my element. I got a fish in hopes that it would help me be less lonely and help with me missing my other pets. I always though that fish would be dumb pets because you can’t play with them or pet them or anything, but my little Stanley (he’s a blue betta) has so much personality!! He’ll jump for his food and swims over to greet me when I come in the room! I’d recommend getting a pet for sure, any kind, because they will love you no matter what and be a companion that you can tell anything and not worry about them talking back! They always listen to your problems, and other than fish, you can snuggle them to feel better too!! 🙂Answer by banksy-2kk10
Having pets Is great ! They are something to talk to and care for ! And spend time and lots of Money on lol !
Kind Regards
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