Caretaker: How many Obama bashers have discipline for a savings account?
Obama supporters are generally people with hope for the future. It has been magnified by world opinion yet there is this element of, ‘I know more than he does’, folks who I wonder their qualification. Are they so smart to run a good campaign and beat the best of the party? Are disciplined enough to get the best education possible based on their own discipline and commitment? Do they have enough discipline to put some of their earnings in savings?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Sharon H
Obama Bashers WASTE all their money buying FAKE “Communist Obama Birth certificates” from con Artist for 500 bucks a pop-LOL
Well, I am not an Obama basher, but I have almost nothing in savings. I do have stock in Berkshire Hathaway and a decent amount of dough stashed in my kids’ trust funds. I’m doin’ OK…thanks for asking.
ooooooh, thumbs down…jealousy. BTW, I bought the BRK.A at @22.5K/share. I’ll take a nice five bagger any day. LMAO
Answer by smellyfoot ™Seriously, this was a crappy question when you asked it the first time….
Your whole question is based on stereotypes and generalizations. You seem to be confusing your opinion with reality….
Answer by E=MC2Don’t be too fast in painting all people with that broad brush. There are many people out here who actually did the rights and and still getting screwed in this mass mismanagement of the federal and sate governments.Answer by Marina
Actually, I have more savings than most people. Having six months salary banked at all times, in addition to a seperate savings account for incidentals is a goal that I have achieved for myself during the last five years. I am always looking ahead to the future. No one has to bail me out…not ever. I own one home, and have a small mortgage on a vacation home. I also have a 401k, that took a hit when the economy crashed, and a healthy pension. What do you have?
Obama supporters are the ones looking forward to the hand-outs, bail outs, and stimulus checks. Where the hell is their discipline? No one had to show me or teach me how to earn and save money…I figured that out all by myself when I was 12 and started my first job.
Answer by LardawgThat must be an Oxy Moron… ROLLING ON FLOOR LAUGHING MY BUTT OFF.Answer by Right Wing Nut Job
I”m a 24yo Republican. I have two jobs. I also have a savings acct, 2 pensions, a 401k and I own my own home. PPPHHHBBBLLLTTTAnswer by The Right Stuff
Shhhhhh…….Do you know what Obama will do if he finds that people have some money left to tax ?
Obama has already indicated that he intends to increase taxes on our IRA’s.
Thanks to Obama; BHO is making sure that my retirement sucks as much as possible.
Hoping for the future and saving are two different issues. Your question implies that those who don’t support Obama have no financial discipline. I personally think that is a false assumption.
I have saved and invested for the last 30 years. I also watched the value of my investments plummet in the last few months.
I’ve done “everything right.” I live within my means. I went to work every day, raised my children to be clean living productive members of society, and live without debt. I invested conservatively in well managed stable funds and diversified my portfolio. I put money in personal savings accounts and took care of my health. I eat broccoli, for crying out loud.
Yet here I sit. Instead of retiring last summer, my husband will probably work another 6 years. Instead of taking time off to be with my dying mother and struggling student son, I may have to go back to work full time.
I’m not an Obama Basher. I VOTED for Obama and think he is doing everything he can in this gray area of transition. I hope the guy can rally the forces to dig us out of this mess and that the country can muster the discipline to follow along.
Answer by grandmac38Oh gee, I thought that most of the Obama supporters are on welfare. How can that be if they are the ones who are the disciplined ones?
Oh yeah, and all of America’s enemy’s are so happy that Obama is going to be our President – wonder why?
In the US, social conservatives emphasize traditional views of social units such as the family, church, or locale. Social conservatives would typically define family in terms of local histories and tastes.
Answer by Jess SayinAre you saying that poor people who don’t have a savings account didn’t vote for Obama? That makes sense considering he raised over $ 700 million for his campaign and he didn’t get it from the poor.Answer by chargerman
Why does it matter if you think that Obama has a plan.Just look at the success of the Social Security system and the housing debacle that has created a recession and then post why in your deep intellectual reasoning we should allow the government to provide a savings account with OUR money.Answer by icunurse85
I do, but certianly not enough to put my son through college.
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