arwensilverwind: How long do most women wear maternity pants after giving birth?
I had my baby a month ago and I had only bought 1 pair of maternity jeans while I was pregnant because I have uniform for work. Now my pants have holes and I am debating about buying another pair of maternity pants.
Answers and Views:
Answer by keevelish
I never wore materinity clothes after delivery. I just fit into my somewhat loose clothes. Back into regular clothes 2 months later.
Answer by luvnlife
Regular jeans should fit fine by now…at most you may need a size larger.
Answer by alsawsana
depends on their movement, and sport after, u can buy another one that u can use after, buy the stretched ones
Answer by thatzhot314
Fortunately I was able to stop wearing my maternity pants after I had my baby. You don’t have to get another pair unless they are comfortable for you.Otherwise just get regular jeans.Which ever is more comfortable.It’s normal for women to still have to wear their maternity pants after having a little one.
Answer by nicole h
i wore my pre prgo pants to the hospital .. mater. pants were huge on me i was 10 pouns lighter within 2 weeks
Answer by tmfbitu
I hated maternity clothes; got back to the regular stuff as soon as I could!
Answer by mamasmurf_50
I didn’t after delivery, I usually purchased a couple pair of jeans in that not ready for maternity pants, but nothing fits stage. I usually wore those until mine fit right again. I wouldn’t buy another pair of maternity jeans, just buy a pair you can fit in comfortably and maybe a pair of sweatpants to wear around the house. Good luck!
Answer by MissShadow
Some wear them for at least a month after birth. But I know women that continue to wear them much longer because they have either gained weight or they feel comfortable
Answer by Doodlestuff
2-3 weeks unless you had multiples. I’d just buy normal (not maternity pants) pants and you can get rid of them once you are fitting into your normal clothing. If it takes longer, at least you have something that doesn’t have holes!
Answer by blondie
Why are you still wearing maternity clothes? its really not necessary…yeah, your not going to be able to fit into your old clothes yet, but I just wore bigger sizes or some stretchy stuff. especially if you are considering buying something, try some different syles/sizes on till you find something that works.
Answer by Jennield
Go ahead and buy one pair of maternity jeans if that’s what you’ll think you are comfortable in. I had an amazing pair of maternity jeans that were low rise with stretchy fabric only at the top two inches or so. I wore them (even though I somewhat fit into my Prue-pregnancy jeans) for two months after giving birth. It got to the point where they were really falling off me, but I didn’t stop wearing them till my best friend & my sister both told me to.
So, wear your comfy jeans and ask a friend if they look ok.
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