Eric Ewanco: How does Holiday Trash Collection work?
A mystery I’ve never been able to figure out is how trash collection works on holidays. Where I am, on holiday weeks, trash collection gets delayed a day. But this of course solves nothing. There is still the same amount of trash to collect, and the same employees (of someone, not necessarily the town) to pick it up, but one less day to do it.
I can only see a few possibilities:
1) They give them the holiday off but force them to do overtime on the other four days. Not really a holiday. They do get more money though.
2) They hire temporary workers to take up the slack. But would they do this for one week? And what about equipment — there is no more equipment than there was before, and that would seem to be key.
3) Somehow they are 25% more efficient on holiday weeks. Unlikely! If they could be that efficient they’d want them to be so the whole year (but then you’re back to the holiday problem).
3b) Some businesses agree to forgo holiday week collection.
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Answer by Thomas S
It is just like the mail service, they get one day off, but there is just that much more mail to go through the next day. So the next day you see your garbage man or mailman just give them a thumbs up.
In my town they work on Saturday and get paid overtime for it. This allows them to give them off for the holiday but still get the trash picked up.Answer by Jewel
Where I am, they just work over and pick up the trash that was not picked up because of a holiday. The rest of the schedule goes unchanged. Today (Thursday’s) trash gets picked up tomorrow with the regularly scheduled Friday Trash. I am sure that it’s different in each city depending on the city governments.
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