Danni: How does a bad friendship effect you in life?
So, I have an original oratory for forensics. I’m doing a topic on friendship. The topic is friendship being taken for granted. I have the causes and I’ve gotten to the effects. I have a problem with finding those though. I know how it has effected me, however I really don’t have the opinion of others, and I find myself unable to find an answer by searching online.
So, if you’ve had a friendship in which you were taken for granted, or perhaps just a bad friendship and general, how did it effect you?
And also, if you’ve even taken a friend for granted, whether or not you realized it at the time, what effect did it have on you?
If you could answer that, or even just provide your opinion on the subject, it would be greatly appreciated.
Answers and Views:
Answer by bev
bad friendship:
bait & switch
selective rejection
deferred gratification
direct oversight
all will and have killed people, they take u down to their level and beat the hell out of you and give you a guilt trip to show it was your fault, sound familar?
Answer by secretrainbow89I had a best friend since 3rd grade and once we got in the 8th grade she showed her true colors she just left me and talked to lyk i was just another associate in her lyf.It made me feel horrible and not trust any other friend to rely on ever. I have friends i claimm them as my best friends but sadly at heart their just people that i talk to. It may take me a long tyme to trust anyone because it put me in ddep depression and deep thought on a lot of issues.Answer by nepali_baboo
i used to be proud over the no and fidelity of my friend when i was in my early twenties. in my early thirties i keep on remembering an old adage: don’t tell your secrets to your friens, if u don’t want enemies later!
Besides, The Gita says that:
You’re your own friend, n you’re your own enemy!Answer by Blue
Funny you should ask. I just had a 2 1/2 year ‘friendship’ end this afternoon. It’s not your garden variety friendship, however. It started out as head over heels; openly for me, but I didn’t find out she felt the same way until a year and a half later. Longggg story. But to the question of being taken for granted. It caused me no end of stress. I easily caried 80% of the load, so to speak, in this friendship. It actually had 2 rather lengthy breaks for just this reason.
In describing it, I would say that the main reason for stress, for me, was due to the lack of respect on her part for me or the friendship. Respect is extremely important for us males. She readily admitted on numerous occasions that I was very patient and supportive of her as a person as well as a friend and would promise to stop holding me at arm’s length. Initially, things would be great for a week or two and then right back to the old grind.
I found myself frequently running angry conversations through my mind, “telling her off” and letting her know that I was sick of being taken for granted and wasn’t going to put up with it, etc. But I would always refrain from actually doing so, to “take the high road”, but I couldn’t help but think to myself, “I really don’t need this aggravation. It can’t be good for my health.”
Then of course, there was the stress of waiting for timely responses – or any response at all. Case in point: she was supposed to stop by and see me this weekend (she lives out of state) and promised to fill me in as the time drew near. Yeah, never heard from her until today, after I finally spoke my peace about being blown off by her. Her response was to end the “friendship”.
So, how do I feel now? Truthfully, at first I was going to send some vitriolic reply, but figured that’s just what she’d want, so I didn’t. But now, after calming down, it’s like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I mean, sure, it would have been nice to have things work out, but things were NEVER going to change. I kept hoping against hope, as they say, and while there is some small disappointment, ultimately, I’m really just thankful that I won’t have to deal with the B.S. anymore.
I hope this helps. If you have any other, more specific, questions that you’d like to ask that would help you, feel free to contact me.
Answer by Lisa Chere is an oppinion for you. yes i had many bad friendships and relationships. it cost me almost my life till i turned it around into a positive direction. i hungout with the wrong crowd, did what they did, i even was on these peoples spot watch, means that i was followed every where i went, i was voice recorded every thing i said, i even was put on videocam in every room including the bathroom for all to see that was in the bad dogs ring whom was interested in all they heard about how good i was in the hay stack. they all wanted a piece of me like vampire needs thier young blood. this is no joke. i felt if i didn’t do what they wanted of my family would die one by one. it took me to get right an to get straight with myself in order to make it right with everyone whom got hurt ,pain, suffering for many years. now im not homeless i got a good job and im soon to have a home to call my own. i am so glad i found my way out of that bad boys circle. i am extremely happy and proud that i finally took a stand for what i truely believe in such as my 3 girls who missed me throughout they’er intire life, my immediate family members, and a few of my closest friends. i am now 3yrs clean an sober. i plan to stay that way. for i did not like or enjoy that ring circle i was haoxed into living. i was an got sweet talk, emty promises made to me which i believed would come true, at that time i looked hot like a model kind a look. i almost had it all. yet i was taken for a fool dropped out of college, was kindnap from several great paying jobs, and most of all i had no way to report this for they went by many cavilion names other than thier own. these people stolen mine an a few family members idenity. i can go on i hope this will help you. if you need more info reply back.
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