viceslikevipers7: How do you incorporate your faith into your social networking page?
Doing more research for our Churchs’ youth program. WE are doing a series on how You can incorporate God into your time spent on the interent and even use it for spreading his word etc. I’d love your input on how you incorporate your faith (whatever faith that might be) into your social networking page (ie: myspace, facebook, etc.) and make your views known.
Thanks so much!
Answers and Views:
Answer by Spacesearcher
well there usually is a religion part where you can specify your religion. usually found by gender sexual orientation and relation ship status
Answer by Linda Lynch
I haven’t done anything faith based, but it really isn’t any different than promoting anything else.
Create a group for your youth group. Your kids can all join it. Look for other bigger groups that they can join as well. I did a quick search on facebook for Christian Youth and found over 500 groups. You could check some out and recommend them and ask your youth to do the same.
Do your kids listen to music related to your faith? How about checking to see if their favorite groups have pages to see where that takes them.
Posting encouraging messages on each other’s walls. Perhaps a scripture. What recent activities have they participated in?
I haven’t seen anywhere that you can create a blog on facebook, but what if you started a blog somewhere and they all put a link to it on their pages.
They could also create their own webpages any number of places and link to those as well.
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