Dannielle Lewis: How do i tell my husband I want to start a family?
How do i tell my husband I want to start a family?
I think I am ready to start a family but I don’t know how to tell my husband this, you see we are struggling financially right now. I feel like my bio clock is ticking (i am 25 yrs old) so how do i ask my husband can we start trying. my friend just found out she is pregnant and my cousin just had a baby.
Answers and Views:
Answer by rÔ||ÿ Ró¢kët (♥’s 3)
Jump on the bed and spread ’em.
At 25, you still have quite a few reproductive years left in you. The fact that your friend and cousin are having children has nothing to do with you. If you’re just trying to keep up with the Joneses, rethink your decision to have children now.
This is a very important thing to discuss with your husband. If you two have such severe communication issues that you have trouble opening your mouth and asking him how he feels about having children, I would wait awhile. The fact that you’re having financial struggles makes waiting all the more sensible.Answer by momto4
Be open and honest. It might seem you will never have enough money to start a family. Unless things are verrryyyyyy bad, I don’t advocate waiting till things are perfect, as they will probably never be. I was 21 when I had my first baby. We were a ONE income family. Now we have 4, and are still one income. We live very well (and I give God all the credit for that). My husband is in the military, so we did not have lots of cash flow happening when we had the first. We were on a budget, and things were bought used and given to us. My last one is 3, and I was able to buy whatever I waited new for her. Does it matter? Was one situation better than the other? Not really. It was great both ways. Will it matter in the long run if I had enough money for all the new baby stuff or when I did not? Not at all!
Children are a blessing, a heritage. Unless a situation is dramatically bad, or if it would cause your husband undue stress which would usurp the joy of parenthood, then I am all for babies in good marriages!
Just be open and ask him what he thinks. Ask for his leadership on this. Never force a spouse to have a baby, it often ends in heartbreak. Give him time to adjust to the thought of little ones if he needs it. Then when the time comes that he agrees, enjoy the baby making process 🙂
Answer by Marisshaving a kid is a huge responsibility and it does cost a lot of money you have plenty of time left women can have children all the way up to menopause but if you really want to start a family now all you have to do is start talking to your husband about or if you are already doing it but with protection you could try the movie/tv way and start getting rid of you protection. ex. if you are taking birth control take a old birth control dispenser and fill it up with mints that look just like your birth control and start taking those instead to fool your husband and if the Lord decides you are ready for children then He will make you pregnant.Answer by kanga
If you have to ask how to tell your husband this, then you need to re-evaluate if you guys are ready for it.
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