pimpernel: How do I kindly tell a man that he isinvolved with a dating scammer? He is 64 she is 23 and I saw her picture.?
Her pic was on a scamming website, he is so smitten with her, and asked her to marry him. How do I do it without hurting him?
Answers and Views:
Answer by ilovesjammy
send him the link, and tell him he needs to see something for himself
Answer by XOpinkXO
send him an email with the link to the site where you saw her picture and be like doesnt this look a lot like_______?
Answer by azehriad
tell him “as a friend who cares about you. i dont think she is good for you. i think she is going to hurt you because of….X,Y, & Z.” let him know that you care about him and what the very best for him
Answer by the all knowing
Oh gross. He’s 64? Is he stupid enough to think a 23 year old would actually like him? Oh yuck. He must be stupid and I dont think you can help him.
Answer by Rydey
Well this is not a movie and in the movies we see this happen all the time so he should know about it. Send him the link with the evidence. If he plays the part of the naive old man who refuses to believe ppl then he’s a fool. Case closed
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