Ana Makes Art.: How do I convince my mother to call the dentist?
I had a filling put in on the 2nd that was supposed to only last for one week. Its lasted, but its wearing away now. Underneath this filling is a layer of cotton and then the nerve is totally exposed (the fault student dentist fiasco, don’t ask). The endodonist said that if I was in any kind of pain at all it was an emergency and to call immediately. Its been in pain for more than a week, and now I can no longer chew without incredible nerve pain from the afflicted tooth. It feels like the filling is being ripped out.
I am incredibly frustrated and annoyed, I’ve told my mother my symptoms on several occasions, but her reaction always is “the appointment is soon, just take some Advil and don’t chew on that side of your mouth”. If the doctor hadn’t seemed so adamant about us calling then I wouldn’t have a problem at all, but I’m worried about what will happen.
My mother won’t call the dentist like he insisted that we should, so how do I convince her?
The endodontist is a family friend and doing it for free, actually.
Answers and Views:
Answer by kokopelli
Why don’t you just call the dentist before your entire jaw gets infected and swells up like a balloon?
This is happening because she does not want to pay the money.
Answer by Bettee62
Answer by Niksmom
I’m not advocating you do this on a regular basis, because you should never go from one parent to the other, but go to your dad because this sounds serious. If you can’t go to your dad, go to an adult you can trust and maybe they can speak to your mother for you. If none of this is an option, ask her again and tell her how severe your pain is and how worried you are, if she still won’t call then maybe you should. Good Luck and I really hope you feel better soon!
Answer by chillin
If he is a family friend and doing it for free, then just call. He’d feel terrible if you didn’t. And you know your own body. Your mother would feel terrible to if something worse happened.
Good luck. Take the bull by the horn and make the call. What is she going to do? She’ll probably be proud of you.
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