Jaye: How come teenagers are not into anything that involves thinking?
I am 14 years old and I have an IQ of 130 my IQ is considered quite high by standards at this point. I just wanted to ask why other teenagers my age are so wrapped up in sex and video games and things like that when they could be using there brain for other things.
Answers and Views:
Answer by ForgivetheSky
Everyone is different.
Yeah, most teens are like that.
I wouldn’t say my IQ is 130.. I actually don’t know what it is.
Im not very smart in Math, but that’s just me.. I’m good in Language Arts and sh*t like that.
I’m not wrapped up into certain things like sex and video games =)
.. Honestly, I think TOO much.
And know things that a regular teenager shouldn’t know.
thats not that high
a lot of teenagers do things that involve thinking
get off your high horse
everyone is different
I’m not like that. I am the same age and my IQ is 147. I love things like riddles, word puzzles, and those sudoku games. I actually don’t like video games at all. There’s tons of kids like you and me, just go out and do something that requires use of your brain and I’m sure you’ll meet up with some!Answer by Kitty
I agree. All of the kids our age are too concerned with that crap. I can’t stand superficiality.Answer by zee zee
hormones are raging………. peer pressure is engaging………… with no thoughts of aging………Answer by Joe
First of all, I question where you got your IQ results from. Please keep in mind that online tests are not a legitimate source of your IQ. To be able to understand your actual IQ, it is a very complicated and advanced timed test. If you’re curious about your actual IQ, you can contact your counseling department at your high school (or middle school).
Also, just because a lot of students are wrapped up into sex and video games, doesn’t mean they are not intellectuals. You’re stereotyping individiauls which is immature in itself.
I can personally say when I was 14, I was interested in girls and sex, but that is a natural thing. Give it time, you will eventually be interested in the opposite gender. However, you may decide that your studies are more important to you, which isn’t wrong at all.
Answer by mannlizSmart thinking kiddo,keep up the good work.Answer by Jacy Lee
This is when you decide to become a doctor, or scientist or something that will bring you great rewards in life-you are wise beyond your years to realize the immaturity that surrounds you. Figure out what you want to be and never give up on it!!!!! Good luck to you and keep on keeping on!! 😉Answer by arbaughm
There are three stages of mental maturity, or reasoning, according to Lawrence Kolgberg – a famous psychologist.
The one that applies to this question is the second level – or cenventional level of reasoning – Individuals make decisions based on what their peers will think of them.
It’s a scientific explanation of peer pressure. That is what is going on with the people around you. They are immature – rightfully so – they are young teenagers.
In my opinion, it seems you have reached the third and final stage of reasoning – the postconventional reasoning. You likely make decisions based not on what your peers think, but whether what you are doing, or going to do is right or wrong. This stage is reached anywhere from age 12 until death, normally. Some people never reach it – an example is the penal system – most criminals are still stuck in the conventional level of reasoning, consequently, most criminals are repeat offenders…
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