Gennie Goose: How can I make my apartment managers check my apartment for mold?
Ever since my husband and I moved into our apartment 4 months ago, we’ve experienced a lot of symptoms that could be caused by toxic mold. There was a leaky faucet that caused some mold growth in our outside storage closet, but our managers didn’t fix the mold, they just painted over it. Is there some legal way to make our apartment managers check our entire apartment for mold? We can’t move for several more months due to our contract.
Answers and Views:
Answer by dntuwnt2knw
Contact your local Board of Health
The best way to start would be to request an inspection, in writing, sent certified mail to the manager. Be sure to keep a copy for yourself. Another idea would be to check with other tenants to see if they have been experiencing the same symptoms. A group of tenants generally have a better chance of getting action than with a single complaint. You might also check to see if there is some kind of renters association that can help you.Answer by ZoomZoom
I believe Meijer sells a mold tester kit. You can test it for yourself and give her the receipt and findings. Tell her this must be fixed right away or move you to a non-moldy apartment. Make copies of receipts and ALL correspondents between you two. You can also break your lease due to non-disclosure of said mold. Lease is null and void if it is not a healthy living environment. If the mold does not test toxic then you are pretty much stuck. Make sure they Kiltz where you see the mold coming through the paint. That should seal it from coming back, it should also be bleached prior to kill any mold spores left. As for making the managers come in and check apartment this should be a common courtesy of the apartment complex.Answer by David K
The first thing to do is submit a written request with your rent payment, or anytime. (Put “cc:file, at the bottom of the request, and keep a copy.) Include your contact information, and/or times you are available for them to enter your apartment. Good idea to mention the previous repair, and the painting over.
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