rolli: How can I make money with out applying for a job at fastfood?
I am only fourteen and I need to make some money, because I want to get some money for this summer and for the keyboard I am going to buy. I don’t want to apply at McDonalds yet because I want more experience before I apply. I have considered babysitting, but no one I know needs baby sisters. Please help.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Antispiritual Darwinism
1) Facebook
2) ????????
3) profit
Answer by soaplakegirl
News paper routes, offering other services to your neighbors like lawn mowing and weed pulling.
Answer by Rife
Dog caring and walking. Many teenagers do that.
You should give it a try makong money online:
Answer by Cassie Irving
Try to see penny auction. I suggest the paybidz. They pay really money for the prize.
Answer by Jim Carey
stop worrying about the money
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