Hello11: Can someone get me into the entertainment industry?
I want to get into the entertainment industry. I love it. Movies, music, etc. Was wondering if anyone could help me out? It can be any kind of job in the entertainment industry. If you, or someone you know, can help, please answer. Im willing to relocate anywhere. Which means LA.
Answers and Views:
Answer by farien3
Unless you have a lot of talent in an area that is useful in the entertainment industry, you will likely NOT get a job in that field. There is too much competition, and lots of that competition is highly skilled and talented. ‘Loving’ movies, music, etc. is not enough to qualify you.
Answer by richardkumm
Build your resume
grow where you are planted.
I have had a nice local career and if I was younger and still interested I could easily go to a bigger city etc.
But, you have to pay your dues no one will give it to you unless you are already connected etc.
so get into the school or community play,
audition for local commercials on radio or television
memorize Shakespeare
get a guitar
start singing
Make a timed plan for yourself
after 2 or 3 years of building experience go to the next biggest city in your state
work there a couple of years make contacts build resume
make a film, record, get pro photos done
Then Go to an even bigger city
if you can make it there
Try New York
if all else fails
try God.
Answer by Mandy S
Yeah, cuz it’s that easy……
Answer by Carrie G
No one gets you into the entertainment industry. You get YOURSELF in.
And the first thing you need to do is FOCUS. If you want to get into this business, you have to know exactly what you want to do. It’s great that you love entertainment, but so do a lot of people. What kind of experience and skill can you bring to the field? What are you good at? Are you persistent? Motivated? Patient? Willing to work a day job?
I highly recommend reading Linda Buzzell’s “How To Make It In Hollywood.” She offers the best breakdown of industry jobs I’ve ever seen–and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I’m serious. Read her book, think about what she says, and then decide if entertainment is really for you. Breaking in will require personal sacrifice and very hard work, and almost no aspiring industry people are sufficiently prepared for either.
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