Janie: What entry level jobs offer full time and health insurance?
My pizza place job doesn’t schedule full time workers or offer health insurance, nor has any other min wage job I’ve had. What jobs can a person with a high school degree try to get where they give you full time and health insurance?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Professional Peon
Why don’t you just buy your own? Most minimum wage jobs don’t have great benefits. Go into retail, they will offer it but it will probably be cheaper if you just buy it yourself.
Answer by sbinlb
entry level office jobs in mid to large companies, usually have health benefits.
Answer by car253
Walmart, In and Out Burger, Target. Call around and ask.
Answer by A M Solver
usually permanent jobs have better benefits, thus they are harder to get, meaning you would need either some degree, work experience or both. like others mentioned, most big companies offer medical insurance. but if you are a temp there, whether entry level or not, minimum wage or not, they basically wont care about your well being because they can replace you easily. so regardless of the industry or the type of work, usually permanent jobs get the better job perks. good luck. but yes, you will mostly start at an entry level post.
or move to a country where national medical insurance is available to all 🙂
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