Gforce3062: How can I make a hurricane resistant house with limited materials?
For school I have to make a hurricane resistant house out of 2 pieces of construction paper and 4 straws. Does anybody have any ideas on a design for a house or how to use the straws correctly to support the house so the house doesn’t fall apart? (The “hurricane” will be a leaf blower)
Thank you!
Answers and Views:
Answer by jack j
good luck with that
This looks like a question for KGB- text your question to 542542, just like the commercials say.Answer by lifeisgood
They have been experimenting with round homes. It seems that they give less of a profile to wind forces. You might want to consider a dome design.Answer by cronos51101
oh wow! I did the exact same project. the way to go is to make it kind of small. I made mine like a cross between a water tower and a flying saucer. used the straws as pillars and made two very flat cones out of paper. then I made two small cylinders to cover the points of the cones and then covered the holes with a flat piece. We were also given a piece of card stock to use as a foundation. I poked four holes in the paper and pushed the straws through, I then split the ends of the straws and splayed them out against the underside of the foundation and glued them on. use a similar technique for when the straws connect with the top. the straws should go through holes in the bottom and actually attach to the top of the saucer. If it comes out small, just say it is scaled down. if they call it impractical, just say it is futuristic. Below is a computer model of it, ha ha, we also decided that it would be zombie proof. It held up better than all of the other models, our leaf blower was inches from the structure and it just shook a bit.
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