Minky773: How can I hook up one printer to two computers without networking?
So, I work for an office and we are a “home office” with no real networking going on, we don’t use wireless internet, we hook it up with a cable and we all have different modems going on so we can’t network, we’re kinda behind times.
Anywho, we wanted to connect two computers to one printer. I heard using a hub would be a good idea but then I heard that it doesn’t work that way. Any ideas?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Scrawny
There is a switch designed for just such an application available at good computer stores. I used one for years quite successuflly.
Yes, a normal ethernet hub or switch will work, but then that is considered networking.Answer by Tech W
A printer is a device that prints text on paper. Printers have become a standard tool for creating reports, reproducing photos and for faxing messages. Usually these printing processes start on your system when you instruct the word processor to print a document. A printer connected to a wired or wireless network is known as a network printer. It might be Ethernet enabled and may be connected to an Ethernet switch, or it might connect to a Wi-Fi network, or both. A computer printer connected to the network is called a network printer. Network printers may be typically in the range of 25 pages per minute. A network printer may be attached to a server or workstation that can be used by any one connected to the network.
Here are the tips to hook up a wireless printer to a PC
* System requirements
* Set the IP address
* Tips to hook up a wireless network printer
For more detail
Answer by Brother Mohammedyou can easilly connect 1 computer to a printer via an USB cable, so unless the printer has more than 1 USB port you wont be able to connect two computer without networking without swapping the cable.
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