apollo the betta fish: how can i convince my mom to let me buy a mickey mouse platy?
i have a betta and i want a mickey mouse platy but my mom wont let me. how can i convince her?
i am buying it with my own money and i know all the tips to take care of one she just wont let me how can i convince her?
i also have everything. a filter heater and tank. i just need to convince her to let me get one.
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If you buy it with your own money, I don’t see why not. By the way, what is a platy?
bettas wont fight with other fish so it would be fine to get one and they shouldnt bother eachotherAnswer by Wet Whiskers o_O
Is the betta in a tank then? You would need a filter, heater, and running aquarium to add a platy. Unless you have this, your mom SHOULD say no.Answer by Anna
What size is the tank? It needs to be at least 8 gallons with a heater and filter to get a platy!Answer by Fishy Master
tell her that you want two, and that you are going to make baby platy’s. Or you can simply tell her that you have all this stuff, why not add more? By the way, platies don’t do very well on their own. i had 7 or so platies, and about six of ’em died because of ich. the last one was fine, and i washed the tank and treated him, but a few days later, all the sudden he died. I suggest you get 2 or more.Answer by Molly
Prove her you know your facts. Tell her why you want one. Tell her you will pay for it with your own money. Show her actual facts that they are fine together. (Email me if you need some websites! Im sure I could find them.) Ask to go to the pet store, and go to the fish isle. Then in front of the fish guy, ask her for the Mickey. When she says “No!” Make a big scene in front of the fish guy! Haha just kidding! Dont do that! lOl she might never buy you a fish again! So dont do that! lOlAnswer by star
to began it would help to know why she don’t want you to have one? finding out this is the key of knowing how to convince her ! has she said why she wont let you??????
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