SoftLight: How can I complain to the Yahoo! team about using Yahoo to put offensive homosexual agenda stuff in our faces?
I don’t need to see pictures of two young ladies in love when I open up Yahoo to get my mail. I resent Yahoo using this forum to promote the homosexual agenda. I don’t want to be offended when I open up the Yahoo homepage and want to complain about it. Where do I post my complaint? I’m really asking, not just venting. I want them to know my thoughts about this.
Answers and Views:
Answer by KeiMushi
Don’t use Yahoo, or…. GROW UP
I sense a future ambulance chaser
Answer by luciloo26
It won’t help. They’re just biased that way.
Answer by hmmm
Oh please, they had all those “Yes on 8” ads up, promoting your homosexual bashing agenda. “Two young ladies in love” is so subjective, and so what? It’s not like they’re showing anything pornographic, you’re just reading too much into things. What exactly is the homosexual agenda anyways? What false sense of reality do you live in? Yahoo doesn’t care what you think about their advertising and splash pages, they make money off of ads and will always have millions of other users who don’t live in a bubble. The news is the news, and you can’t avoid reality completely just because it isn’t what you want it to be. If you don’t want to be offended by it, then choose not to be. I personally find you offesive, but I’m not going to whine about how to get rid of you.
Answer by stutuarima
start by browsing here:
Answer by satan
you can go here to give them feedback on the homepage:
if your question is in reference to lindsey lohan, i dont htink there is much they can do. its entertainment news just as much as anything else. people could complain about hearing about darfur because they dont want to hear about genocide- that doesnt mean its not happening
Answer by buick
The advertisements are content based. The companies that load up the ads to yahoo do a scan of your emails and based on the text, will choose ads.
So, if you start talking about lesbians, you’re gonna see lesbians in the ads. You should really stop talking about homosexuals in your emails if you dislike them so much.
Just sayin.
Answer by SuperWank
You could try getting your news and media updates from a christian-centric source and stay away from “secular” sources like Yahoo!.
Or you could stop being so sensitive about everything and act like an adult. Things are out there that we don’t like and agree with. I have to deal with ignorance all day long working with bigots and hate-mongers.
I deal with it, you should too.
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