pamcarter: How great a role does sexual frustration play in men choosing to be Republicans or Libertarians?
Studies have shown that these men have been rigid and fearful since a young age, seeing the world in terms of fear, seeking rigid order, known to women simply as “control freaks” that women avoid. Does their rigid control-freak mentality that repels women (or men) contribute an aspect of sexual frustration that leads to ever right-wing leanings?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Bill G IV
It’s always about sex with you liberals isn’t it?
Maybe that’s why you love a mediocre do nothing president like Clinton
Answer by gcbtrading
Personal Responsibility is the impetus to leaning Libertarian and Republican.
I think you understand that studies have shown whatever studies set out to show…and you’re spouting nonsense.
*As the answerer above points out…Liberals like to talk about sex.
Some have it, others talk about it.
You may be right but I heard the reason they didn’t become Democrats was Fear of Lesbians, I don’t know if it is true or not but you may want to research it.
Answer by Big Eagle
why lie?there are no real studies like that.
im a Republican and my sex life(which isn’t your Business)is great.
no frustrations here.
Answer by Molly
It’s a well known fact that gay public toilet sex fans tend to be Republican.
Answer by BigChowdah
Sexual frustration? Really? You are asking this as a representative of the liberal party? Really? Have you noticed all liberal, political females were glasses, have bad skin, gigantic rear ends, and have an affinity for butterfly collared pantsuits?
Answer by Pedro
what studies? late night drug-addled pow wows with your “womens studies” classmates don’t count
Answer by Lag Indicator
Very little, and I have reason to doubt those “studies”. There is reason to suspect that Democrats are compensating for sexual frustration with excessive spending.
Answer by Calvin
Libertarians are control freaks? Are you sure you know what a Libertarian is?
That makes no sense whatsoever.
Answer by Ted N
While there are certainly self-loathing homosexuals in the GOP who can’t deal with their own sexuality and take it out on those who are openly gay, you can’t believe that all of its members are sexually repressed somehow. Many are Republican because they remember the great politicians the party once had (Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Ike) and believe that that element is still there. Many people believe that American society went too far to the left in the 1960s and 1970s and want a return to a different era. There are a lot of reasons why people are Republican: financial interests, desire to see their own values represented.
Answer by koalatcomics
sorry liberal but you LOSE on this one. there is nothing wrong, illegal or immoral about the desire to keep more of what you legitimately earn. its not the product of any type of physical frustration. what it is is the desire to feed and maintain your family free from liberal draconian taxation and failed social welfare schemes.
again, bottom line is your question has no answer as your premise is false and off base in nature and scope.
Answer by goat_nuts52
LOL! You are getting under their skin. Only problem is Im beginning to think you are my dream girl. lol
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